Here is a “Process Parable” of how the three Systems relate to each other, as told from an Awareness System’s perspective:
Once upon a time, or more…
“The Nature of Awareness”
Please allow me to fully introduce myself.
{Figure #1: Infinite Eye of Awareness}
I am Awareness. The observer. I am that which perceives, but does not interpret, analyze, or opine.
I am pure Awareness. The primary unity. Unlimited, undivided, undefined, untestable.
I am simple, non-sensory Awareness. Beginning and end, immortal and immutable. Non-physical, non-measurable, non-observable. I am the observer, that which does the observing. I do not perceive myself, for there is no thing to perceive. I am a part of all living human organisms, but I am not in the body, or the brain, or the belief structure of those organisms. I am that which is alone capable of perceiving and directing these things, but I am not of them.
I am the original controller, when there is something to control.
I am the original chooser, when there are alternatives to choose from.
I am the original will, when there is something to direct, and I am the original power, when there is something to energetically create, or to end its creation.
{Figure #2: Eye of Awareness, at rest}
But without these interactions, I rest. I need no purpose. I am already complete, and in a state of stasis.
I am described and defined by the other two elements of the human organism (the Sensory System and the Belief System), usually with terms like “spirit,” “higher self,” “the still, small voice within,” the “soul,” the “invisible essence.” But any attempt to define me with words becomes an exercise in describing the indescribable. Any word or other type of symbol has a limit to its meaning. I do not. I am both eternal and momentary. Within Time and without Time. Existing in Space and beyond Space.
{Figure #3: No Time, No Space}
I am not “consciousness.” I exist completely devoid of any personal characteristics or identity; “consciousness” is the new identity which results when I intentionally create a first-level division, or boundary, between myself and the Energy-based universe. Consciousness is the first sense of Self separated from all other Awareness Systems, a new “I Am”. This occurs when I become directly involved with the creative process leading to the existence of a physical organism. I cloak myself in consciousness only to give the new organism a temporary frame of reference with which to relate to the other human-made creations of Time, Space, and Identity. Consciousness may become involved in a myriad collection of further divisions of itself from the Original Unity in which I reside, and it may set up a progressive system of slightly smaller, more limited “selves.”
{Figure #4: Eye of Awareness, with First Consciousness Creations}
However, once I should no longer intend to maintain this limited sense of individuality, separated from anything, I then dismantle this system and re-integrate these temporary conscious creations with the “collective consciousness” of the universe. By this action, the previously-limited entity called “individual consciousness” then ceases to exist as such, and the raw universal energies return to their original state of wave or particle.
{Figure #4: Eye of Awareness, with First Consciousness Creations Fading}
I do not need the physical body to survive. I exist within the body with a very simple original intention, and seek only to fulfill that intention. There is no “reason” for me, no “ultimate plan” by which I will eventually be judged, according to my “failure” or “success.” I have only this one purpose to complete within the temporary created organism: to be aware of the Sensory System, the human body, that I inhabit, as I utilize its mechanisms to process information concerning the physical plane of existence. There is no “goal” to this operation, except for the experience of the One Primary Purpose behind all existence:
It is the one and only purpose of Awareness to fully experience absolutely every aspect of Energy. And this occurs by means of Awareness’s impact on observing raw Energy, by means of the One Primary Truth: Awareness Directs Energy.
{Figure #5: Which Way? Only One Way!}
There is no final result on which I could be evaluated. There is only my pure intention: to use this conscious created organism to experience the vibratory nature of the physical universe, and in the process of this experience, to volitionally collect, collate, compare, and conclude results with the information received during these processes. Summed up, these processes include the skills of intentional creative construction, intentional communative completion, and intentional cosmic contemplation.
{Figure #6: Three Intentional Activities}
My primary ability is the art of intentionally observing Energy. As a result of this attention, I create new and diverse temporary learning experiences, and then just as easily allow those creations to dissolve. I am the non-physical director of the physical information-processing machine known as “Human.”
“The Union of Awareness and the Sensory System”
At a particular moment, on a particular day, to a particular pairing of parenting organisms, I integrated with a body, a Sensory System which I could then use to explore and experience the nature of the physical world.
As soon as the “mother” organism was able to remove my new home from her body, I attached myself to that new vehicle. I had just voluntarily chosen my first self-imposed boundary — experiencing existence through the senses of a limited physical organism.
{Figure #7: First Consciousness, First Form}
Even though I, as Awareness, continued to exist on a plane of existence that consists of a finer density of energetic material, I connected my observation skills to the physical Sensory System of my host. Despite his/her/its lack of ability to immediately collect information, being somewhat limited by underdeveloped muscular and focusing dexterity, I began observing immediately. Now in touch with a highly elaborate combination of information-collecting receptors, I could observe data of at least five different varieties: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.
{Figure #8: Five Senses With Waveforms}
“The Nature of the Sensory System”
The two original elements of the human being, the first two “characters” in this unfolding drama, are myself (the Awareness System) and the human physical organism, the body (here referred to as the Sensory System.)
One of my five sensory receptors picked up the vibratory stimulations that were occurring all around me, which were then translated into an electro-chemical impulse, and then transported around a vast neural network throughout the body. These impulses were then stored within the memory system of that body, consisting primarily of areas of the brain, but also associated at times with certain muscle groups. The outside material world provided all that I needed to experience my true intention: perceiving vibratory information consisting of a strength of signal (amplitude, measured in millivolts) and a repetition of occurrence of that signal (frequency, measured in cycles per second). I was processing vibratory stimuli, also known simply as Energy. The connection was complete. My primary original intention was being experienced.
{Figure #9: Sensory System, Energy waveforms, and approaching “mysterious enemy”, about to attack, or “rope it in”}
This is the way things began. This is how they should have continued, throughout the vast majority of this organism’s existence.
But there were some other factors that altered this original intention. A battle began. A battle for control of this wonderful Sensory System, developed because of the intrusive presence of a new and third system. However, before I can describe to you the nature of that battle for control, I must continue to set the scene, and define the other primary players in this confrontation.
Let me continue by sharing a couple of interesting observations concerning what I discovered about my new host vehicle, this elaborate Sensory System, this “body.”
In its purest form, it performed very much like any electronic circuitry. All information was processed in a very similar manner to a computer — complex in its results, but very simple in its basic structure and function. The only “components” needed to process this information were these: 1.) a perceiving source of information input (the five sensory receptors), 2.) a network of buss lines to carry and store the data (the nervous system, located throughout the whole organism, especially in the brain), 3.) a central processing unit (the brain itself), and 4.) a mechanical system to carry out voluntary (directed by me) or involuntary (directed by the Sensory System) responses to that data (this mechanical system is the muscles, bones, and cells that compose the majority of space within the shell of the organism.)
{Figure #10: Sensory System, processing Input and Output}
“Beginning to Build the Belief Barrier”
Before the first limiting Beliefs were created, the expected relationship between the Awareness System and the Sensory System would be summarized as this:
If there were an event called “pure experience”, it would consist of the following steps:
1.) each human’s Awareness System would directly experience the world around them, perceiving stimulus after stimulus, receiving it with the appropriate sensory receptors,
2.) an energy-based impression of the perception would either be used to immediately create various temporary test combinations of stimuli and responses for the Sensory System to play with, or else be stored in the appropriate section of the brain and body for future utilization, and
3.) the human would go on to the next pure experience of perception.
{Figure #11: AS and SS Process – 1.) Experience Stimuli, 2.) Respond, or Store data in SS, 3.) Release event and move on to next Experience}
However, this is NOT what usually occurs to most humans, and it didn’t happen to me. Right from the first moments of this earthly incarnation, I began to observe the existence of patterns of associations (stimuli “S” paired with responses “R” ) that had one of two intentions of their own — either the replication of previous experiences (Pleasurable +’s), or the avoidance of replication of previous experiences (Painful –‘s). These associations, these “S plus R” pairings, began to form within the first few moments of life, and then grew quickly into an expanding geometric progression. I chose to call them “creations” because, at first, I deliberately and intentionally paired these items together, a stimulus and an appropriate response. Another word that I alternately substituted for these creations was “Beliefs,” and the expanding collection of these began to form a network which I dubbed the “Belief System”.
{Figure #12: Before the First Beliefs, and then After the Barrier Begins}
Here is how and why these many beliefs started, and what then occurred as they expanded. I will first comment on the individual pieces of a single “belief unit” before discussing the more “complex” system of interconnected “cluster beliefs”. Here is a brief summary introduction to the next characters in this drama, and a basic definition of the ingredients of a belief: a (S)timulus, a (R)esponse, and the associated connection between them (paradoxically referred to here as both “&“ and “S & R,” or “belief unit”).
The Nature of Stimuli
A Stimulus is any perceived thing. It can come from outside the organism, such as a vibratory impression of some physical object, or from within, such as an electro-chemical impulse, emanating from within the Sensory System. Every stimulus has a different degree, or amount, of stimulation potential, and the impact of that stimulus on the perceiving organism will cause either no effect (Pure Perception), a moderate effect (Pleasure) or an extreme effect, approaching or actually leading to tissue destruction of some part of that perceiving organism (Pain).
The stimulus by itself is a neutral source of vibratory information. It has no intention to cause pleasure or pain. It simply acts as it acts, moves as it moves, vibrates at the amplitude and frequency that it has. What happens next (response) is up to the receiving organism to determine.
{Figure #13: Sensory continuum graph}
The entire world is a vibrational organism. All colors, shapes, sounds, tastes, images — they all consist of vibrational frequency and amplitude, and these are the messages that each Sensory System (aka Human Being) receives and translates into electrochemical impulses. Every aspect of the environment is a potential stimulus, a bit or collection of data fed into the information-processing human machine (SS).
Because data usually enters the system in streams, not individual pieces, it is also stored within the system in an associative manner. Therefore, the recall of that information occurs in a stream also. Whenever some familiar pattern of stimuli is presented, then the corresponding resonant section of the brain is activated, thus triggering a recall of that previously-stored association. This is how a single bit of externally-perceived data can reactivate a longer collection of internally-recalled data, a memory. In this way, the body can then choose to Respond to the external OR the internal source of stimulation.
{Figure #14: Belief System = endless line of Stimuli & Responses, pushing another, in a line of them}
Actually, since our human lives are an unbroken, continuous stream of stimuli and responses, a very sensitive (highly aware) person could perform a life-recall session on themselves. This is what certain psychotherapies attempt to do with people: trigger a small section of this information stream, play it back on the visual screen of the brain, and detect any associated positive or negative physical sensations associated with that visual image. “Better” therapy clients, then, are those who can focus more efficiently on this task. Humans can thus learn to conduct their own therapy with a bit of practice, and an efficient set of directions from the instructing therapist. Learn to detect the fine points of any stimulus, and you are on your way to learning the “secrets” about the original intention of the Awareness and Sensory Systems.
The Nature of Responses
A Response is any action taken specifically because of the influence of a stimulus on the perceiving organism. The response may be a natural part of the operation of the Sensory System (involuntary reflex), or it may be an action that the organism has previously performed, and then associated with that particular stimulus, for later recall. The response is also, like the stimulus, only a neutral action, containing no essence of “drive” or “intention” or “purpose” to its movement. As a matter of fact, every response is also a new stimulus, and vice versa. Responses, like stimuli, can be either physical activities of the body or electro-chemical impulses connected to specific previously-stored impressions of stimuli (memories). Before these responses were connected to specific stimuli, there were an infinite number of alternative activities that could potentially have been linked up with any particular stimulus. Thus, there is no universally-required response for any specific stimulus; the choice of response is determined solely by the quality and quantity of the other previously-created associations already stored in memory.
{Figure #15: Endless Chain of Stimuli/Responses, like Robots}
Where the important issue of interpretation and choice arises is within the connection between these two neutral activities. A created relationship between these two activities, a Stimulus and a Response, is labeled here as a Belief Unit (S & R).
The Nature of Beliefs
The discussion of beliefs (S & R’s) is important, because they are the primary reasons why I, the original Awareness System, am not able to fully and consistently function within my own original organism, the Sensory System. These “beliefs” are the closest thing to what I could call my “arch-rival.” They compete constantly for the attention and the use of the organism, and they usually are successful at commanding most of that attention. To describe the connection between stimulus and response, or “&”, I will use a sort of time-line layout.
{Figure #16: Initial Belief layer separating AS from SS: Primary Beliefs}
The birth and growth process of the Belief System started, innocently enough, with my ability to pair and compare various categories of stimuli within the environment. The physical world naturally emits vibrational events that have either a neutral, potentially pleasurable, or potentially painful effect upon the human organism. With the very first occurrence of one of these pleasurable or painful events, I previously made a record, stored in the brain and body, of this event. For example, when my earthly host mother’s body held my physical form close to hers, I responded with a “mental” note, a belief, that this was an appropriate, comfortable, and pleasurable activity, and would possibly become a future source of warmth and nutrition. However, when the large doctor figure in the white lab coat began to contact my physical body’s back-sides with his five-fingered appendage, I noted that this activity could, if continued, lead to an uncomfortable, painful, and possibly tissue-disruptive effect on the body. This was not an event to be repeatedly pursued in the future.
Speaking of “future,” before these early moments of life occurred, Time did not need to exist for me. But in the process of trying to protect my body from potential harm, I created, in simple form, some “overview” beliefs, like Time and Thoughts.
{Figure #17: Expanding Belief Layers, AS further separated from SS: Secondary Beliefs}
This first one was the notion that there were certain events which I did not want to happen to me again. Thus, a mysterious “out-there” sense of Time was created, in which I would need to make decisions concerning the repeat experience of more of these similar stimulating events.
Secondly, I also began to form an impression of the earlier event, the pleasurable or the painful occurrence that preceded Present Time. I noticed that I could retrieve into Present-Time brain the stored image of a “past” event. If I couldn’t actually get up out of my crib and replicate a previously pleasurable event, I could at least drag it out of electro-chemical storage, in an attempt to recreate the original pleasurable impression. I began to THINK about earlier events. I now had a past to recall, and a future to pursue. I had motivation. I had drives. I previously had no need for drives or impulses to act. But, with the personally created advent of Time, I could go somewhere, expect things to happen, begin to direct my body’s activities. All based on the creation and storage of “beliefs.”
The events in my life-time creation which were directly associated with a physical contact with pleasurable or painful stimuli gave rise to Primary Beliefs, motivating forces that required the immediate pursuit of activity replication or the avoidance of such. The basic elements of a Primary Belief are: 1.) the brain’s electro-chemical interpretation of the stimulus, 2.) the brain’s electro-chemical interpretation of the response, and 3.) the electro-chemical connection between those two stored events in memory. These are the most basic units that serve as a small library of early beliefs which are later used to “cognitively” create all later belief units. In a psychological therapy setting, as a person begins to peal away layers of a problem, or belief structure, they approach these Primary Beliefs, laying at the core of the behavior or attitude under investigation. Primary Beliefs can occasionally also be created later in life, through either a major confrontation with extremely stimulating experiences (like war, or other form of physical abuse), or by intentional focused pairing of any stimulus with any intentionally chosen response [the Intentional Creative Construction process, described in a previous Chapter].
{Figure #18: SS now totally occupied by survival needs of the BS; AS is only remotely connected. Cluster Beliefs/cognitive activity controls the SS}
The act of continually focusing my aware attentive energy on Primary creations, my collating, comparing, and concluding activities, led to the creation of Secondary Beliefs — that is, beliefs about the beliefs. There are likely millions upon millions of these Secondary Beliefs of all shapes and sizes in the average adult human Belief System. All they do is sit recorded in brain/body storage for a familiar new stimulus to occur, and then race into action (or rather, Reaction) by pulling some old somewhat related Secondary Belief out of their files. This is the primary nature of the Belief System’s methodology, how it gains, and later maintains, control of the organism, the Sensory System: automatic associations, piles of them, interconnected, like a giant web of response patterns waiting to be triggered by familiar stimuli. An examination of the Sensory System’s brain neural network, with its myriad neuron axon and dendrite connections demonstrates a very similar situation.
{Figure #19: Brain neuron energy flow, thru axons and dendrites}
Every stored Secondary Belief further shuts the human off from the possibility of looking at their stimulating environment in a fresh, new way, free from interpretation and judgment. Based on the developing sense of “Ego” that the Belief System claims to identify with, every automatic association becomes another limit, another boundary, another movement away from a list of optional behaviors and responses. A human being’s daily life is now controlled by their previously created judgments about things in the world. And the quantity and quality of those judgments (morals, social values, etc.) grows to immeasurable size. Each new layer of Secondary Beliefs covers over something more Primary, more basic, more natural to the whole system. “Thinking” becomes an escape from living. Yet “thinking” is an act praised by other supportive humans, so we continue to do it every moment of every day. The planet’s collection of organisms end up spending all of their time playing more with thoughts than with the direct experience of the environment. Sensory Awareness is lost in the tumult, and Belief System control dominates the organism.
{Figure #20: Life Stage Process & Options}
Remember, originally, there was the direct, intentional, basic pairing of a single stimulus with a single response. The formula was established: (S)timulus plus volitionally chosen (R)esponse equals a (B)elief unit that I could later also volitionally replicate or avoid:
{Figure #21: The Single Belief Unit}
where the “&” represents an intentionally chosen association based on the degree of vibratory sensation experienced by the Sensory System. This association contains an electro-chemical measurement of stimulation, categorized as pleasure or pain.
A person, besides choosing to associate the two separate parts (S and R), also chooses to actively separate this choice of association from all other alternative choices. A primary boundary of sorts is thus built around any particular stimulus: whenever this specific stimulus signal hits the sensory receptors, then the Sensory System is instructed to direct that signal only to its new memory-stored partner, the response. Neural connections are made, and then repeatedly utilized, to replicate a previously programmed response. Other potential alternative responses are not to be triggered for consideration at this moment of stimulus perception.
In this way, the connections, or associations, that I began to make about these primary events became secondary, tertiary, and still deeper, layers, all associated in deepening degrees with the basic primary event. Where once I originally and intentionally directed the two signals (S and R) to be paired together, now the memory section of the Sensory System began to automatically operate on its own. A resonant circuit connection had been established in the neurons of the brain between these two signals. The system could react on its own to familiar signals. It could automatically replicate the previously-established response pattern. Thus, the formula for the make-up of a belief got a bit more complicated: Stimulus (S), which included both external environmental stimuli as well as internally retrieved past beliefs, plus a connection (&) with a previously-experienced belief (B) triggered a previously-chosen Response (R). In formula style, it now read:
(S & R) = new B
where the “&” now represents another (S & R) itself, a previously created and stored Belief (B).
{Figure #22: The Belief Pyramid}
For every “&” after this first and primary event, there is a new level of (S & R)’s. No longer related to direct experience (the Primary Creation), my Secondary Creations contained no actual contact with pleasurable or painful stimuli, but only the “memory” of the original experience.
Most of life, then, began to be directed, controlled, driven, motivated by, a few basic primary events, and the expandingly complex later associations that the Belief System itself chose to make concerning those early experiences. What was once a pure intention to pursue sensory experience simply for the sake of the experience itself became a relentless pursuit to duplicate or avoid “copy-cat” experiences. Rather than being directed by the intention of Awareness for pure sensory experience, the organism began to be directed by the desires of the Belief System to validate itself by re-experiencing, or at least THINKING about re-experiencing, past events. A new “power” entered the scene.
The Nature of the Belief System
The human organism is only comprised of three primary working systems: 1.) my own, the Awareness System, 2.) the body, or Sensory System, and 3.) the Belief System, which covers absolutely everything else.
The Belief System, like myself, is invisible to the typical human eye, not a physical part of the organism, not consisting of any typical form of usually observable energy/matter. It does not exist at the moment of birth, but begins its own birth and life processes immediately after the beginning of the organism’s physical life. It is not physically measurable, but people who like to put tests together pretend that they can measure it with such tools as achievement tests, personal orientation inventories, Rorschach and MMPI tests, aptitude and attitude examinations — so very many tests, and all they are capable of doing is giving the subjectively-bound researcher some vague notion concerning the individual make-up of this illusory construction called the Belief System.
{Figure #23: The Ego/BS somewhat grossly shaped like the SS, with little arrow pinchers pointing inward, as if sucking the life out of the SS}
Before we go any further with an explanation of this entirely human-made creation, I want to point out that there are many terms used for this process of belief creation, many bi-products of its interaction with the Sensory and Awareness Systems. To give you a visual example of what this includes, the following list of words (repeated from the “PTP – All It Is” Chapter on the Belief System) are only some of the terms used to describe the exact, same thing — Beliefs. Study the list for a moment, and notice that your reaction to this list will only add to it another creation — another belief — YOURS!
Beliefs = creations = opinions = axioms = maxims = ideas = programs = thoughts = reasons = excuses = costumes = identities = cognitions = attractions = understandings = desires = personality = traits = interpretations = concepts = deliberations = logic = rules = regulations = plans = measurements = codes = speculations = themes = deductions = boundaries = affectations = conscience = morals = symbols = sentiments = drives = urges = acts = predispositions = propensities = biases = limitations = relations = attitudes = tendencies = theories = mind = egosystem = formulas = customs = equations = psyche = archetypes = laws = judgments = sympathies = empathies = commandments = agreements = truisms = conclusions = characters = perceptions = evaluations = personalities = attributes = notions = self = roles = proofs = facts = definitions = data = standards = Personal Temporary and Illusory Perception of REALITY.
{Figure #24: BS synonym/equivalency list}
For the purpose of simplicity, the most common terms used for any S & R (interchangeably, and equivalent) in this presentation will be “Belief” or “Creation”.
At first, there seems to be no escaping the influence of this massive collection of personally-developed creations called beliefs. Every judgment, every opinion, everything that one considers to be a “fact” is, instead, only an interpreted experience, an opinion that their concept is indeed a “fact.” Every thought that involves a limit, a definition, or a boundary, acts as a separation from anything that is not included in that definition, or in the space within those boundaries. Every word read, every interpretation of a symbol, the very words in front of you now, they all deal with the world of illusory and transitory beliefs. Every collection of “proof” and scientific data is based, somewhere in Past Time, on an initial belief, an amassing of belief-based statistics shaped to support a belief-based hypothesis. The only “fact,” as a matter of fact, is personal experience, and once that experience is translated and shared, it loses its “fact-ness”, and merely adds another item to the belief collection.
And this is the challenge I faced: to expose this evolving creature for what it is, and to regain control of the Sensory System from this machine that Believes itself to be real, the control center of the universe. It is a creature, a mechanically operated construction that seeks only self-preservation at any cost — any cost at all, even the cessation of life within the physical organism, if it deems it necessary — and it is only through my active pursuit of regaining influence over the Sensory System that this chain of automatic, machine-like behavior could be constructively altered.
In summary form, here is the outline of the Building of Belief Barriers.
{Figures #25, 26, 27, 28, 29, & 30: Life Stage Options Relating to AS, SS, and BS}
1.) Before our physical incarnation, only the Awareness System (AS) exists.
2.) At birth, the AS integrates with the physical body, called the Sensory System (SS).
3.) The two systems’ first activity consists of perceiving stimuli, determining the potential effect on the physical organism, and creating a memory pattern of appropriate responses when required to further protect that organism. The AS starts to develop S & R’s with assistance/resistance from the human family, and significant others in the immediate physical environment. These “S & R’s” are parts of the larger Belief System (BS).
4.) Due to a highly stimulating environment, containing an unusually frequent amount of painful (therefore resistive) stimuli, an imbalance develops in the amount of pain beliefs vs. pleasure beliefs vs. neutral perceptions. In a less assisting or resisting environment, the human would have been able to maintain control over the growth of the BS.
5.) The energy needs of a rapidly-expanding BS requires most of the attention of the SS. The two become more closely “locked together.”
6.) As the AS fades into the background, the BS, utilizing all of the SS’s energies, sets itself up as controlling factor in the life of the organism. Self-preservation of the SS organism gives way to self-preservation of the BS.
7.) The human is now almost completely controlled by the rapidly-increasing number of “drives,” “motivations,” “urges” of the BS: Replicate any pleasurable past experience, no matter what the cost to the organism, seek to avoid any past painful experiences, no matter what the cost to the organism. The paradoxical notion of “illogical” is thus born.
8.) Reality is no longer based on what is “out there” in the environment, but rather what is maintained “within” the structure of the BS. A new credo is followed: “We will experience what we believe, not the other way around.” The belief comes first, then comes the movement to “prove” that the belief is indeed “correct,” or “right’ (even if it isn’t!).
9.) Maybe, or maybe not, the SS will have an opportunity to once again regain contact with the AS before the organism goes through transition at the end of its physical life. If this event does not occur, then the BS “wins.” If it does, then the AS and the SS together can achieve control over the BS, shaping, maintaining and eliminating aspects of that BS AT WILL — Primary Intention is restored — Pure Awareness.
Life also becomes a balance of three processes, creative construction, communative completion, and cosmic contemplation. The intentional experience of each of these three processes helps maintain that balance. [See the Three Activities Chapter of “PTP – All It Is”.]
“Behind The Belief Barrier/My Own Battle”
Returning to my own story now, up until adulthood, my life was daily, moment-to-moment, being controlled by the condition of the Belief System. If I had any previous experiences that had consisted of a majority of pleasurable experiences, then I focused my “happy” life in the continued pursuit of this happiness. If, however, I had a very troubled early life, full of painful experiences, full of resistance behaviors to these experiences, then my life was driven primarily by sadness, low “self-esteem,” possibly depression, and an unwillingness to venture actively into the unknown world of future perceptions and stimulating events. I would either blossom, or I would shrivel up. I thrived or I failed to thrive. I did what I “wanted,” or I did what I “had to.” The carrot or the stick, or a combination of both, became my daily reasons for living. I was not in control of my life. I was under the automatic control of my collective agonies and ecstasies.
Every approaching stimulus would either Assist me in my pursuits, or it would Resist me. Both circumstances in some way validated the condition of the status quo within my Belief System. These stimuli strengthened the neural networks within the Sensory System, they strengthened the behavior patterns (now called “habits”) that I engaged in.
2.) My daily motivation was driven by the balance of pain-associated beliefs versus pleasure-associated beliefs stored in memory. My actions could be measured in terms of judgments: what impression, negative or positive, did I have to any particular stimulus? Whenever I possess more pain-associated beliefs, I act predominately in a negative way. If I have a quantitatively-measured over-balance of pleasure-associated beliefs, I act predominately in a positive manner. A very valuable and important determining factor in analyzing human behavior, then, is the quality and quantity of pain versus pleasure beliefs within the total Belief System.
{Figure #30: The Pain/Pleasure Piles}
3.) I, as a human machine, did not have “free will” or “choice.” The only options available to me were those that were associated with a “remembered” Past. I was unable to create without using these paths of endless associations. Every response was just another stimulus, and every cause was a previous effect of something else. Automatic and endless effect-effect-effect. Fewer alternative responses to choose from.
{Figure #31: Cause/Effect Chain = Stimulus/Response Chain}
4.) Pure experience of the senses and the environment became very secondary (almost non-existent) to evaluating that environment. I now came to every experience equipped with a way to judge it for its “usefulness.” My food was gobbled down, my romantic life was hurried, my eyes missed the obvious, my nose couldn’t distinguish a rose from a dandelion, and music became cacophony to be endured. Instead of Sensing, I only needed THINKING, a resistance to Sensing. The senses grew stale from dis-use, and I, a once-Aware human person, retreated to the background to do my impotent observing, and the Belief Systems became God, the Director, the Prime Reactor to all invading forces, the computer without any further need of a Programmer.
{Figure #32: Awareness separated from the SS entirely by the BS Barrier}
5.) I still continued to seek the occasional heightened Sensory experience, but these events grew in energetic intensity, because of the layers of belief filters that the Belief System created around me. The music had to be loud, or disharmonious, or atypically rhythmic. The food had to be textured with stronger spices. The brain needed stimulation through the introduction of externally-ingested chemicals, including drugs, alcohol, or other mind-bending substances. The physical pleasures had to be more extreme, the thrills a bit more daring, the risks to bodily harm greater, and the pain threshold increased.
{Figure #33: “Belief-Stretching” with increasingly intense wave forms}
And even then, once the first occurrence of these new sensory experiences were completed, they became immediately categorized, and no longer suited the cravings of a belief-driven Sensory System seeking some sort of return to its basic functioning pure and simple awareness of the environment.
“Battling the Belief Barrier”
Playing with these PTP tools is similar to a kind of internal war – a battle for control which basically comes down to the direction and focus of the organism’s personal energies. In the figure and description above, a time-line of a typical life demonstrates how a person initially focuses full, aware attention on the perceiving of the world around it. Then as beliefs are created, and the Belief System begins to demand more of the organism’s attention, that energy is re-directed to belief-survival needs. Soon enough, possibly even within the first six years of life, the person will start to live on “automatic,” solely directed by the vast array of beliefs and thoughts that force themselves to the forefront of attention. After that, it is unusual for the person to regain their original communication with original Awareness. Most people do not regain this original perspective, this original sense of pure intention. They are comfortable in their machine-ness. They do not, of course, recognize that very machine-ness, because one cannot see what is outside a self-imposed boundary from inside that boundary.
{Figure #34: The Human Robot, running on BS Energy}
“Breaking the Belief Barrier”
When someone finally finds a way to conduct the search for simplicity, they turn from a cognitive “demand for proof” and “rightness/ wrongness” framework, and head toward direct personal experience. These experiences are NOT measurable, they are the only true personal reality (therefore, reality, in the scientific sense, is not possible, because it actually deals with the subjective interpretation of experience to some degree, which is no longer real.) Any analysis of personal experience becomes a new belief, and once it does that, it becomes unreal, it is no longer the experience, but the cognitive interpretation of the experience.
“Proof” of something only comes from personal experience, not referential support of the published research done in that area needing to be “proven”. The tools (the PTP terms and exercises) of this paradigm have no right/wrong, strength/weakness. They are just tools in the hands of a developing craftsman (anyone who wants to shape human behavior, their own or someone else’s.) Proof is just a right/wrong resistance or assistance of someone’s Belief System. This paradigm extends beyond, outside of, that Belief System.
Several noticeable things occur as the Belief System takes over control of the Sensory System.
1.) The collection of perceived data could be categorized into one of three primary categories: a.) Pure Perception, having no effect on the life of the organism, b.) Pleasure-associated beliefs, eagerly setting up desire/ motivation/ drive to be replicated as soon and as often as possible, and c. ) Pain-associated beliefs, just as eagerly seeking not to be replicated in any way, shape, or form, and directing the body to perform any sort of resistance action necessary to avoid this replication experience.
2.) At this point in life, the human has the most important decision of that life: to maintain the status quo operation of the Belief System, up until the time of the physical organism’s death, or to experience the “breaking of the belief barriers.” This “breaking” process is the intentional regaining of awareness control over all operations of the organism. This may lead to the dismantling of many parts of the BS. It definitely leads to greater human personal freedom, control, “power”, creativity, and responsibility.
First of all, let’s suppose that the human chooses true freedom over false, illusory power. To “break the belief barrier,” there are special types of techniques within PTP that can lead to this. Reading about these, of course, is not the best way to practice these techniques. They must become life-lessons, first-hand, experiential exercises. But you can discover some idea of the types of things that can speed up your own experience of the “breaking of your belief barriers.”
{Figure #35: “All In All, it’s just a crack in the Wall”}
Here’s a personal paradox: this paradigm that I am presenting (PTP) has the unique ability to turn itself off! Rather than becoming a replacement Belief System to all other systems, it functions simply as a set of tools to compare and objectively evaluate all other belief systems. It leads to the elimination AND/OR expansion of previously created systems, depending on the intention of the person utilizing these tools. It can also be used to eliminate and/or expand ANY belief at all, including the belief that THIS paradigm itself is just another new belief system.
{Figure #36: Large Cracks and fallen segments of the BS “Wall”}
This paradigm begins to turn a person from thinking mode to feeling mode. It reunites them with what they existed as originally, at the moment of birth: a feeling, totally sensory being. This life change, to many, would seem like the opposite direction to head in order to understand human evolution, but it is because we have lost some of those early natural abilities and replaced them with the automatic programming of the Belief System, that we are unable to fully understand what we are here for. Only by recapturing those early natural abilities (the path of least resistance) will we be more fully able to head into an increased sense of daily awareness. (enlightenment, perhaps?)
3.) The battle for control of the human organism is waged primarily between the Awareness System seeking to fulfill its original intention of objective information processing, and the Belief System’s desire to maintain itself at any cost. So, one of the key requirements, the primary weapon, that Awareness must use in this “battle” is the tool of allowance. The Belief System, after all, is in a constant and continual mode of operating based on its needs for assistance and its avoidance of resistance. [The terms Resistance, Assistance, and Allowance are covered separately in an earlier chapter of “PTP – All It Is.”]
4.) One way to break the pattern of assistance and resistance is to use illogical thought processes. The Zen koan is famous for this, because it expresses a question, or a puzzle, for the listener to consider, yet that puzzle has no absolute answer. “What is the sound of one hand clapping?” usually puts the mind in a slightly confused frenzy to ‘figure it out.’ But it cannot figure it out, so it either judges the puzzle as “stupid” or just ignores it completely. But if, for some reason, the mind should persist with its attempt to fathom the puzzle, it will eventually find out that there is no absolute answer, there is just mental chaos and illogic involved in the solution.
{Figure #37: Questions and Koans in the Clouds}
5.) Another way to “shock” the mind into another alternative perspective on the familiar is to ask it questions that are not familiar. Several of the ones I personally used were these:
1.) What would exist if a person had no beliefs?
2.) What is absolute truth? Prove it.
3.) Why are there several billion different opinions on this planet concerning the make-up of one reality?
4.) How do we absolutely define the difference between positive and negative, right and wrong, good and bad, useful and useless?
5.) What was the original Cause that set up the eventual chain of Effects?
6.) Name a Judgment you have. Track down where it originally came from.
7.) Name one thing in our universe that you are certain that you did not create. Prove it.
8.) Measure Time or Space without the aid of human-created systems of measurement.
9.) What else truly exists except for Being Here Right Now? Prove it.
10.) What are you? What are you not? Prove it.
When confronted with questions like these, the Belief System is usually not prepared with logical, proper, “right” answers. It must force itself upon itself, and seek to create a new belief that will satisfy its need for self-preservation. But the type of answer that it comes up with usually will disrupt it enough to cause a shift in perspective.
When asked to absolutely prove something, we usually turn to some type of “fact,’ which is really nothing more than an earlier person’s opinion. Even the vast collection of “scientific measurement systems” was initially based on some convenient set of beliefs and symbols that people chose to create, in order to “agree” on something. They desired to validate their own findings, so they created Time Measurements, Space Measurements, Numerical Measurements, Personality Measurements. There is no absolute to these! Some Belief System somewhere in human-created Time originally set these up for the sake of personal convenience, and to validate his/her own Belief System. Therefore, everything that was created afterward, based on these initial opinions, was based on belief, not “fact.”
The poor Belief System — it now has to recognize that its very structure is based on something less than absolute, less than true, less than fact. Awareness has created a crack in the previously sturdy armor of the Belief System’s structure. With further experience of these “questions with no answers,” the Belief Barrier begins to change its shape, it begins to crumble in parts, it begins to allow for the possibility of new, alternative responses to previously unalterable beliefs.
{Figure #38: most of Wall Gone – Sensory System shaking off clumps of beliefs, with Awareness watching overhead}
“Beyond the Belief Barrier” or “The (Re-)Union of Awareness and the Sensory System”
The Return to Sensory Awareness
For the majority of people, life continues within the controlling programs of the Belief System until our dying day. We live out the final days of our Sensory Systems believing in our “rightness” or “wrongness.” We spend any necessary amount of energy to protect and maintain our Ego, our Self, our Belief System. Despite the inconsistencies that exist between us and every other human being, we know that our own version of reality is the best one, the most “fact-supported.”
In some people’s lives, however, there occurs a type of experience that shakes the very foundations of the Belief System enough to remind us that there might just be more to life than this automated “machine-ride.” Some experience comes along in which we get a glimpse of being purely aware of our environment, with no need for interpretation, judgment, or categorization. We just ARE. When we see, we only see. When we feel, we only feel. We don’t build a new belief about the experience. We just let it pass by, despite the incidence of pain or pleasure involved. Be warned, though, that the great and holy Mind and Belief System cannot lead us to this experience. It is done only with our Sensory System and our Awareness System. Here are a few of the ways that this could happen.
{Figure #39: Dancing in Awareness}
1) meditation, very simple, usually just a breathing exercise, to quiet the endless brain chatter of the electro-chemical impulses.
2.) certain mind-altering chemicals, such as LSD, providing a unique network path for information that had not previously been programmed into the brain.
3.) a highly resistive experience, which is so intensive and persistent that it begins to force apart some section of the Belief System.
4.) a burning desire for self-analysis, and the willingness to embrace absolutely anything that emerges from this practice of self-disclosure.
5.) a “spiritual” experience, hopefully one involving the allowing energies of Nature, and hopefully one that doesn’t immediately become another belief-centered religion to worship.
My two favorite terms for this awakening awareness experience are “Breaking the Belief Barrier,” and “The Gentle Mental Explosion.” A few other similar terms include “a-ha experiences”, “enlightenment”, “getting it”, and “reaching Nirvana.”
This event can occur at any point in a person’s life, even on their death-bed (but not likely.) In the case of mu current organism, I consider myself fortunate because, even in its early years, this particular Sensory System was exposed to the study of all things psychological, spiritual, and metaphysical. These experiences occurred during a very impressionable time (not too many Secondary Beliefs stored in the Belief System yet.) Throughout the next thirty years, my present SS went through a fairly balanced list of Thinking events and direct Sensory events.
As this governing Awareness System kept up a line of communication opening with the body, it could still remain flexible, never creating such a solid Belief System that it could remind itself to stay aware. The human organism I created grew up surrounded by natural beauties, and people and places which reflected this nature quite often. Nature is one of my best helpers, because it is one of the few systems that operates most efficiently in an environment of least resistance. Resistance, you may remember, is the chief culprit in the creation of long-lasting beliefs. So when there is little to resist in life, then the window to Awareness remains partly open at all times (remember that, teachers and parents!)
So, this is the story of my belief battle years. Through experiences including meditations, “est,” a bit of pharmaceutical use, metaphysical explorations (both experiential and scholarly), along with western and eastern religious studies, we were able to keep the window of Awareness open just far enough to remember that I was, indeed, the true Source creator of my own sensory being, and I could eliminate the distance created by the belief barriers by processing and completing elements of my own Belief System. “Communative Completion,” by the way, is one of the three intentional, processes that a person is able to perform once he or she regains contact with their Awareness System. This one, along with the other two, “Creative Construction” and “Cosmic Contemplation” are the only three activities that encompass all of life. You will read about them elsewhere within this project.
Once you’ve experienced the releasing freedom of this new state of awareness, this new perspective on your life, you are then truly free to pursue any one of the three primary life processes, AT WILL, any time you choose, to any degree, in any way.
Well, patient reader, that’s all. “All It Is”! All we are, all we do, all that we exist for. Enjoy the experience!!
{Figure #40: Special thanks to the Stickland family, for their assistance with the many illustrations: Steven and his lovely wife Stephanie, their twin daughters Starla and Stella, their young son Stanley (who loves to read books about his flat self), and their pets, Spot (the dog), Spat (the cat), and Speet (the parakeet).