S4S Chapter 29

“Final Visit & The Sending”

Friday, January 13

Walton: Good morning, Master of Mystery David! It is Friday the 13th. Do you feel like it is a lucky day for you?

David: As we have both said several times in the past, we don’t need no stinking luck! Instead, we have beauty, brilliance, and direct access to the divine!

Walton: With friends like that, who needs an enema! We’ve done about all the clearing and cleaning out we can do on you so far. With today’s very last meeting, we are going to attempt to “take it to the limit, one more time!” Fly like the Eagles! Are you ready to continue to soar high in the sky?

David: “I am as free as a bird now,” and this bird can definitely change!

Walton: It sounds like we are going to be riffing on old rock and roll hits for a while. Is that a “part of the plan”?

David: Sure thing, as long it helps me stay “forever young”!

Walton: However, with your permission, I would like to re-direct your aware attention just a little bit to Carl Jung and the world of psychology as it applies to who we are, and especially who you are!

Here are just a few of his own quotes that apply directly to the PTP program we have been discussing for these past weeks.

  • “Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.”
  • “Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes”
  • “Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.”
  • “What you resist not only persists, but will grow in size.”
    You, David, would benefit during any free time that you can find, to look over some of his classic writings.

David: Free time? Sure thing. As a matter of fact, the University’s spring semester starts in just a few days. All my friends will be back on campus, and hopefully we’ll be spending most of that alleged free time writing, practicing, and playing the band’s music. Maybe even get some potential gigs designed for summer break. Those are the “dreams” that I am looking forward to.

Whether those dreams are the type that have me looking outside of myself or inside, it would be nice to not only be awake, but to be aware and have some wonderful dreams fulfilled!

Walton: Could you try, right now, to elucidate those dreams for me?

David: Again, like during our previous meeting? Okay. What do I want? Enlightenment? Perfection? Love? But if so, what are these things, really? A successful band and career? Then how do I create and measure that success? In terms of your three primary motivators, do I need to avoid something or to pursue something? Or both, in combination? To recapture a lost past or to build a new future or to focus on now? And Money. How much of that is actually enough? What is the price I pay to obtain that? What do I need, and what do I want? And Why? To avoid death? To seek life? Sensory stimulation? How about if I want to reach for the greatest goal of all – To see god? To Be god. Ultimate knowledge? Education? Intelligence? Wisdom? Will the PTP lessons assist me in obtaining ANY of these things?

Walton: Do you, by any chance, remember any part of a discussion that you and I had back on December 24th? It was our second or third meeting together, and I let you drag on about all the problems in your allegedly dismal life, after which I simply asked you a very basic question.

David: I kinda remember that early meeting. What specifically are you referring to?

Walton: After listening to your long list and description, I asked you this same simple basic question: what do you want? At that time you replied that you wanted answers, solutions, and a strategy for getting through this whole mess that you had stuck in your head. You wanted your degree, you wanted your girlfriend, you wanted a picture perfect life with lots of stuff. You said these words specifically: “I want it all.”

David: Yes, fortunately or unfortunately, that is all coming back to me. Thanks for the memories!

Walton: And right after that, I asked you if you were ready for your first lesson. As you can now attest, I have run you through several weeks of lessons. And the main point of that first lesson so long ago was this: can you tell me one absolutely true thing?

David: Oh yes, I remember. I rattled on and on, and I mentioned all this stuff that I claimed was true. And you interrogated me almost like a prison guard, whether or not any of these things I said were actually true.

Walton: I didn’t ask you for beliefs at that time. I asked you for truths. And there is a big difference between the two. The program that I have shared with you over these past many days was not about analyzing the content of your beliefs. It was finding out if any of them were actually true or not. I kept asking you to prove the things you were saying. Prove it. Prove it. Do you remember the results of that exercise ?

David: Yes, we kept going back to the basic concept of trying to prove something to be true. Trying to prove that my senses, my five senses were true.

Walton: And then I ask you to prove that your beliefs are true as well. And at the time, you were trying to base your world of reality on your world of beliefs. Are you starting to see that in these past few weeks, those worlds have a whole new sense of importance for you? Is your reality still based on your beliefs? Well, just as we started back then, I’d like to run an expansion of that same exercise once more. Call it our final game of “tag” if you would like. As another very popular singer would pose a musical question: “Are you ready for it?” Take as long a time as you need to respond to me. You don’t have to be “swift” with your answer!

David: Yes, I sure am! Let her rip, Mr. Van Winkle!

Walton: Today’s exercise is called Absolute Acknowledgement. It could also be called the Beyond Beliefs exercise. Another name I have sometimes used with this one is called Breaking the Belief Barrier, which we covered just a day ago! But my favorite title is the Gentle Mental Explosion Experience! Bazinga! Boo-yah! On your mark, get set, let’s go! Let’s start once again with a slight variation of my original question: “Prove to me that your beliefs are true.”

David: Well, according to what we’ve learned about beliefs, a “single belief” is a combination of three things: a Stimulus that we perceive, then the resulting physical Sensation that we physically feel in our body, and then finally the chosen Response we pick in order to create a short survival-based computer program for the needs of pursuing pleasure or avoiding pain in the future.

Walton: Can you prove that any of those three things, those components, are true ?

David: First, just for a moment, I’m working with the word “true”. For something to be true, it would have to be absolutely true for every single person on the planet at every time of our existence in every geographic and experiential situation! And right there and then we begin to see the possible problem about proving that something is true.

Walton: Give it a go anyway, just to see what you can come up with.

David: OK. A Stimulus is usually a measurable thing, measured in terms of Energy. Energy is measured in waveforms of amplitude and frequency. All the way from very low and slow to high and fast. So Energy moving as a wave is provable by machines that measure that stuff. Skipping, for now, to the third part, the Response or Reaction, one can witness an actual behavioral motion of the physical body, like feet or arms or torso moving in time and space. That would be an observable event, much like watching any type of machine operate. Even the tightening of muscles or the flowing of blood in the veins, those are all measurable events happening to the human organism.

Walton: And now tell me how you add those two pieces together, by studying the degree of vibratory energy Sensation between them.

David: Here goes the secret magic part of the formula, “S & R”! Human beings have certain limits to the sensations that they receive and perceive. If something, some energetic waveforms, are too slow or fast, too low or high, there is the potential for either a painful destruction of body tissue, or the pleasant stimulation of that same body tissue. And the human nervous system, right from the moment the baby slides down the womb tomb, is designed to detect and determine any extreme perceptions of these energetic waveforms. To move the physical body away from anything that could be potentially damaging, and to move toward anything that could be potentially pleasurable to the body. The brain of a newborn child doesn’t understand these reactions of its physical body, but it sure better program those into the brain’s and body’s neural network for future reference!

Walton: So, is the combination of a stimulus and a sensation and a response an absolutely provable thing? A Truth?

David: Therein lies the semantic challenge. When considering a single particular specific stimulus, there is the potential for hundreds of different possible reactions to that one single stimulus. Therefore there is no ONE provable automatically accepted response, programmed response, for any and every human being. There is not a database anywhere in the world that tells us we are going to, and have to, respond in the exact same way as any other one of the 8 billion people currently sharing the planet. Sure, there will be common patterns of behavior, but there is no one exactly precise program that matches anyone else’s. That is why, with each one of those 8 billion people, even though they all have collected belief systems, no two actual beliefs are identical. Therefore, the belief unit itself is not a measurable, observable, or provable truth. Not the single, the primary, the secondary, or the cluster belief unit. Not an Absolute Universal Truth, anyway!

Walton: Wonderful job! Amazing! You did learn something from all this psychological and metaphysical and scientific mumbo jumbo I’ve been throwing at you recently! So, let’s run a quick test. Once upon not so quite a long time ago, I asked you this question: what do you want? And at that time, you still stuck pretty much to a list of things you believe that you wanted or needed, that you had accumulated thus far in your current lifetime. So if I throw that same exact question at you right now, what do you want, what would your response be?

David: In order to want something, I would have to first believe that it is something that I don’t currently have. There would have to be some value to me for that thing. Something that would provide me with pleasure, or protect me from pain. But let’s not forget the third primary motivator, Pure Perception. Pure perception of the world as it is, where it is, and when it is. Here and now. Now! Being Here Now. Only Awake and Aware! There is no other moment of any more importance than the Magic moment that is evolving around me in this space and time.

Walton: So is everything else a belief?

David: You bet’cha, Groovey Guru Guy! I believe it is! What a joke! If everything is a belief, and none of it is measurable, observable, absolutely true, there is no reason to continue maintaining the blocked energy that is stored in our programming. Full speed ahead and damned the torpedoes! Just moving through the universe one second at a time is the most efficient way to exist within this massive field of energy that surrounds us! The beliefs that we have stored in the past, and those that we might still create in the future, are simply programmed TEMPORARY reminders of things that it might be fun to pursue or necessary to avoid!

And I stress the word “temporary.” Nothing is permanent. Nothing is inevitable. The Universe went from being a giant controlling monster of a machine, and then turned into a potentially vast and quite enjoyable and agreeable playground! So go out and play! Play with friendships. Play that rock and roll music!. Maybe give it a rest and play Nothing at all. Time is just a temporary measuring tool, part of the game we choose to play! But while we play in this world of energy, the newest tool that we have been given, with your PTP lessons, is a major re-acquaintance with the original thing that we were: our Awareness! Be Aware. Just keep being Aware. And in that state, we have re-achieved our status as the Creators of our personal and unique universe.

Walton: You are the creator? Does that mean that you are god?

David: That statement may seem blasphemous wind just blurted out like that. But you might not be far off. God is just another word or temporary title. To define God using the PTP vocabulary and formula goes like this: “God equals awareness plus energy!” And Awareness directs that Energy! All there was in the beginning of the beginning, is all there shall ever be unto the creation of the end! We are meant to be aware beings experiencing energy in all its variety of forms! That was the only prime Absolute Truth of PTP!

Walton: Why not take a moment and check your notes for the contents of the chapter on the two truths. What are they?

David: The first one is the question “Why are we here? ” and the answer to that is that we are information and energy processors. “All other human purposes and behaviors are variations or by-products of this single simple act.” And the other, the ONLY other, primary truth or rule in the human universe is that “Awareness directs Energy, and all other aspects of humanity are derived from this single simple core truth.” “And that is it. All of it. All It Is!!”

Walton: As it was in the beginning, it now and forever shall be, created universe without end, AUM!

Hey David, before we part ways for a while, do you have any last minute questions or comments or observations you’d like to share with me?

David: So am I supposed to become a passive partner In the creation of my own life?

Walton: First of all, I challenge your use of the word “passive.” Awake and aware people are much more “active” than the Trance-Ants who muddle around blindly. They may seem physically active, but there is no real quality of life going on in the brain matter! Very busy going absolutely nowhere! It is not passive, for example, to ALLOW the future to take its own time and method to reach you, in the void that is now your open aware and awake consciousness. Energy is still eagerly flowing to and through you, maybe to become another tool of creation in your industrious hands!

David: Just don’t let the past limited creations get in the way of that new energy flow?

Walton: Yes. Standing back and standing by is a very important energetic approach. Remember the Standing WuJi Meditation? It takes more energy to perform that than it does to wander endlessly around some late-night rave dance hall.

I also hope that you actively take the time to write and verbally report what you are experiencing. To let something be, observe it, stay in touch with how it feels, but don’t attempt to change it, or DO anything about it. Stop resisting and start observing. You may even begin laughing as you watch the automatic process do its thing until, maybe, you get to a place where the activity stops for a few moments. Or you may be as depressed as you can be. Feel it, either way. Laugh, cry, sigh. Just be there and watch the David Trance-End-Ant energy flow.

Remember when you told me once upon a time that, like Isaiah in the Bible, you chose to be here and to help deliver a very important message to people? “Here am I! Send me!” These past two weeks have been the preparation that you needed to be able to pull this off. A complete study of the grand unified theory behind all human behavior. The study of the creation of belief systems and most important of all, the study of completing belief systems. To the point at which they no longer exist as blocking energy. Blocks that limit you. Blocks that hold you back. Energy blocks that would keep you from fulfilling some of those wonderful big dreams that you just listed for me.

David: Yes, a bit of the original word trick you played on me. Promising me a Christmas Present. You gave me a Journal to read, or write in. But first of all, it was totally empty. Like tabula rasa, all over again. Secondly, instead you actually offered me “the present moment in Time.”

Walton: So pull it out and let’s see what magnificent revelations you have had over the past few weeks. Is there anything in it?

David: To be honest, all this time it had been stored safely in the knapsack that I carried around. But I haven’t specifically pulled it out for any reason. If I had taken notes, I usually did it on my own computer iPad.

Walton: And still?

David: Wait a minute. There’s stuff in it. I can barely read it. Almost looks like it is fading in and out of my vision. Better get my eyes checked, maybe?

Walton: Describe what you see, or don’t see.

David: I see … strange symbolic notes, or “scribblings” have been inscribed in the journal, and they are dated somehow over the last few weeks. I guess maybe they were always there, but I just could not see them until this moment!!

Walton: Well, my newly awakened and aware master, maybe you have grown a new set, or style, of eyes through which to see the world! We’ve discussed quite a few things recently. Perhaps your “random scribblings” are notes you don’t even remember taking at the time!
Written, but invisible at first! As far as the journal itself, I was looking for a “worthy seeker of Absolute Truth” to hand it to. You must have been the one it was meant for.

You okay with that explanation, for now?

David: Sure thing. Weird is good. Actually, great.

Walton: Speaking of “weird,” there does happen to be one more little game that you can play, if you happen to have the time. Going back to our early discussions, start by considering all the things and beliefs that you have created in your life. Here is a subtle shift in this exercise: Name one thing in your universe that you did NOT create! And if you can actually answer that with a specific thing, how were you able to create an answer that you did not create something? Here is a fun list of Follow-up questions:

  • Who created what?
  • What are you?
  • What is now?
  • What is being?
  • What else really exists except for being here now?
  • Can you actually describe the experience of being here now?
  • And can you actually and absolutely prove your answer to any of those questions?
  • And if you’ve made it this far simply in terms of psychological well-being, ask yourself this deeply honest question:
  • Why does your belief system, any part of your belief system, need to be preserved?
  • What would happen if it wasn’t?

And the likely answer would be something like this: You would no longer waste so much energy maintaining it all! Your conscious Awareness would now have the opportunity and choice to fully re-unite with the body for direct experience, Absolutely Being Here Now.
You got all that?? And with that list of questions to ponder, you have now successfully and officially, completed your Search for Simplicity, here in this Sanctuary. The End!


As David tried to wrap his still very limited conscious mind around all these mind blowing questions, he started to feel a bit dizzy, in a daze, his eyes got a bit droopy, he started to recline in the church pew, growing sleepier and sleepier.

Walton sat David down and went surgically through one final process – a powerful exercise by which he would eliminate any memory of his own existence!

Walton: Hey David. I have one last small short group of questions for you. We haven’t covered this topic specifically yet so I hope you find it to be an entertaining little experience. We’ve talked about all your beliefs and the nature of what they really are. What do you think about memories? Are they the same thing as beliefs? Are they concepts or concrete things ? Measureable and observable and provable? Are memories still composed of stimuli and responses and sensations? I’d like to run you through a few specific examples of this exercise, if I may.

David (with a bit of a yawn in his voice): Ready for the ride, sir. Either that, or ready for Beddy-bye. Whichever happens first!

Walton: First of all think neurologically, what is a memory. Is it a thing, an actual thing, that is stored somewhere?

David: Basically a memory is considered a small area or pathway in the brain where the information is stored. In this case, the information is the sensory impression of a stimulus, the sensory impression of the degree of sensation, and the sensory impression of the chosen biological or mental response to that initial stimulus.

Walton: Can you tell me any part of your description that is different than that of a belief ? Our beliefs and memories the same things? Do the memories all contain a programmed response as well?

David: When the energy, or electrical circuit, runs an electrical current through that circuit, especially if it runs that same energy pattern frequently, there is the whole myelin sheath thing that is formed around the neural pathway. But I don’t see that as being any different than when you create a belief !

Walton: So, according to your initial description, when we were running the belief exercises earlier, we could also run that same exercise on your memories?

David: Well, I don’t see why not. A memory could be a large or a small collection of neurons programmed with specific information. Let me try a sentence. I remember growing up in the foothills of the White Mountains and so I can also believe that I grew up in the foothills of the White Mountains. The memory has many details. The belief has many details. Maybe the belief itself is a category of programs. And the memory is like a placeholder of the various parts involved in those initial events. Man, this does get a bit confusing.

Walton: Good. Push just a little tiny bit further on this. If we have recently learned exercises to complete and eliminate the power that our beliefs allegedly had over our lives and the lives of others, can we also complete and eliminate the power that memories allegedly have over our lives? For example, what would happen if I asked you to prove that a memory exists? A few minutes ago, could you prove that your beliefs exist?

David: No, the beliefs were not the physical in-the-moment experience that was observable and measurable. The belief again was just a placeholder, a collection of sensory impressions. And just like beliefs are different for everyone on the planet, in how they’re constructed, then memories are as well! No two people will remember the exact same event in the exact same way down to all the exact same details! Bottom line for me, beliefs aren’t truths. And memories are not truths. So as far as functionality, they all exist in the same status of “things that aren’t really here, but yet we live our lives by them!”

Walton: So if limited beliefs should not be allowed to run our lives, would you add that limited memories are also not allowed to run our lives?

David: Unfortunately, I am beginning to consider that!

Walton: Let’s start simple. Can you prove that your name is David ? Can you prove the possibility that you were raised, whatever that means, in the foothills of the White Mountains? Can you prove that they are actually the White Mountains ? Can you prove that you are a student of the University of Maine right now ? Can you prove that all the paperwork “proof” you’re going to try to claim that you can present to me is all honest unadulterated truth, without a single fabrication ? Five minutes from now, can you prove that you and I have just had this discussion? Is there anything thus provable in the world? We talked about the one absolute truth of my little program here. For that to be absolutely true, we would have to be able to demonstrate that there is indeed a thing called awareness and a thing called energy. And the impact that Awareness has on energy is that energy proceeds to any point in space, time, or beyond where the Awareness happens to be focused or directed.

David: Wow. Wait a minute. You are saying things, and I am choosing to believe that your list of thoughts and beliefs and words are coming from your mouth. But that is only because I have chosen also to intentionally believe that you are expressing your own personal memories to me. Of course, none of that could also be true! Wait another minute! The words coming out of my mouth are not truth. Each word is a separate energy. Each letter is a separate energy. Each breath coming out of me shaping frequencies of wave forms through my physical body is just a pattern of energy that has been shaped into what we lazily call a statement, or a belief, or a truth, or a memory! It’s not that all of these things are lies. It’s just that {pause}

Walton: Go ahead and say it, David. That they are all what ?

David: Nothing. Is. True! Too True? Not True!!
{Pause as it hits him, the Gentle Mental Explosion Experience, like a wave…. }
Goo-goo-ga-joob! Goo goo barbajagal. Jabber jabber. Jabba the Hutt! Jabberwocky, bull hockey!
“Twas bryllyg, and the slythy toves
Did gyre and gymble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves;
And the mome raths outgrabe.“
I mean, and I don’t mean, that there is nothing left to say!! To say, to think, to reason, to share. Nothing. Not even nothing, if that is indeed a thing???
Just shapes and patterns of Energy. Air. Now-ness unfiltered. Blah, blah, blah!!
Babble, babble, the Tower of Babble!? From the ignorant mouths of the Trance Ant rabble, comes the simple sounds of Babble, babble, babble! Obla-di, Obla-dah! C’est la vie, mon ami!
Comme Ci, Comme Ça! Huh? Wait. Help, Walton-person. What is happening here? What it is ain’t exactly clear! There’s a word with a sound over there! Is it maybe awake or maybe aware? Here. Where, and Every There….

Walton: (Very intentionally slowly, speaks and lowers his voice volume and speed) There, there, my minor manic musician. Take a moment. A silent moment, to breathe. Slowly, deeply. Low-slow-nose-flow. In and out, deeper and deeper. Over and over. What happens happens. If a yawn, then yawn. If a cry, then cry. If a blank spot, then observe its blankness! It is what and how it is!! Be the clear, and the confused. You are already both. And neither! Either, and neither. You, now, are finally the Aware and Awake God, the Creator of what ever you choose to be, or not to be, and call yourself, and others. Energy flow. From brooks of babbling, to spirals of symbols, to waves of words, to streams of consciousness, and on to oceans of options! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Flow. Go. Deeper, deeper, little Sleeper! Sleep, perchance to dream.
Dream the simple, undisturbed dreams of the as-yet unborn. Surrounded by that universal sea of Energy. Flowing. Not yet growing. Going, going, …. Gone.


When David woke up, there was no Walton and there was no active memory of having gone through the past two weeks of lessons. The only thing that David found nearby was a journal that was supposed to be blank, except maybe for a few stray thoughts. Similar to the first time he opened up the journal that had been given to him as a present, long ago (?), David stared intently at a few pages in the very middle. “Yup. It’s still blank, all right.” But wait a minute. I think I see … No, maybe not. Blank pages, he thought for a moment, like his own Pages when he was born! Tabula Rasa. Blank Slate. Clear mind. Awake and Aware. Once upon a simpler Time!

But… then he hesitated for a moment … There, on some random page near the center of the leather-covered journal, some letters, or maybe symbols, started to appear. They weren’t in any rational order, or even complete words. Just letters, and punctuation marks, and …. Formulas? When he lightly ran his fingers over the symbols, as if to “read” them, or sense their energy, actual words and phrases appeared in his head. Not sentences, just words that closely matched each pair of symbols. He recognized them slightly, as if they had emerged from some hieroglyphic history lesson. Codes. Clues. Creations.
Here is that list:
BS-p/s, s/c

Of course, realizing that he wasn’t going to solve this surprising mystery right at the moment, he gently closed the journal, and began to prepare to head back to his dorm room on campus.

He stood up, began to wander around for a few moments. His still slightly dull glaze looked around the church sanctuary, while he wondered how long he had been asleep in that pew. It is as if the last two weeks had only been a dream.

Finally, back to his very own comfortable dorm room, he started looking forward to the return of his friends back on campus. That could be in any short number of days from now! Familiar, friendly faces! However, he would not recognize Walton again until they had all completed most of their upcoming tour, several months from now.

However, as newly unexpected things began to occur around him, another unusual event occurred over the next few days after he had awoken from what seemed like a fairly deep sleep: Although David couldn’t quite remember if he had run into anyone inside the lovely sanctuary, he somehow had a new fascination with questioning the very heart of all the world’s beliefs. He didn’t know yet what this would all lead to, if anything new. However, something deep inside his, what was it, “soul?”, had crumbled, exploded, and yearned to find a solid core once again. His earlier internal search for Sanctuary from a life of complexity had converted itself into a search for Simplicity. Plain. Unadorned. Easy energy.

Ready to shake off his entire past life in order to live in an uncertain but scary future, he was as a house shaken at the foundations, either to crumble or be recreated. His band mates all had beliefs to challenge him. He questioned them all, and encouraged each person, his beloved friends, to begin to question themselves, causing each one in turn to conduct a search for simplicity similar to his own.


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