Reference: “All It Is” Chapter 9: “Awareness System”
Wednesday, January 4
Walton: Awareness is simple.
David: If it is so simple, then how does it have or require a “system”, which is usually NOT a simple thing?
Walton: First, before our discussion of the Awareness System, I need to remind you that Universal Awareness is not a specific thing or power or force. It is like an invisible entity whose only feature is to observe. More like just the act of observing itself. You should stop thinking of Awareness in purely physical and human terms. Awareness exists with or without human beings to interface with it. Humans are the result of Awareness observing energy. They in no way are the cause, or creators, of anything.
David: Then tell me the difference between Universal Awareness and the awareness that lowly human beings have.
Walton: Good question, and good lead-in to today’s discussion. As we mentioned in the past few days, when Awareness observes something, it directs Energy to the source, or point, of that observation. Energy collects at that point, based on the one Absolute Truth, Awareness Directs Energy. Good so far?
David: Yes, I can handle the short, simple sentences. Now for the longer challenging ones, right?
Walton: Maybe so, maybe no. You tell me. Look at the simple graphic at the top of your latest reading assignment. Got it?
David: The one with the dancing fool beneath the big eyeball?
Walton: Yes, that’s the one, but guess who is the dancing fool!
David: Dread Pirate David, I bet.
Walton: Yup. The eyeball is Pure Awareness. It focused its observing on a single mass of Energy, and your dancing human form was shaped. That is the glittery stuff surrounding the stick figure body.
David: And the dancing stick figure – is that me?
Walton: Yup, again, but in many ways, denser!!
David: Denser? Like dumby denser, or just thicker denser? The Denser Dancer??
Walton: The Sensory System, which we will cover next, is pretty much the human earthling physical body. Just the body, nothing else. And the third human system, the belief system, emerges from the energetic behaviors and observations of that Sensory System.
David: Kind of like a mini-collection of Russian Dolls?
Walton: Sure. Denser, Dancing, David Dolls!!
David: Your sub-heading says “Various Levels within and around the Sensory System,” What’s that about?
Walton: That is a bit more about today’s lesson. It is also about an area of human studies sometimes referred to as “Meta-physics”. Beyond physics. Other than the physical body, or sensory system, you will discover that there is a variety of layers of energy, in degrees of density, that are full-time within and around the human being. Eastern studies have, for millennia, been totally comfortable with the concepts of auras, and energy fields, and energy patterns that help keep the incarnated human’s body alive. The world of Western medicine is not quite as adept at the spectrum of understanding, and working with, these other layers, or bodies, of energy.
We won’t have anywhere near enough time to detail these many metaphysical layers of our being, but you have my permission to spend possibly the rest of this lifetime looking them up, exploring and experimenting with them. As I said, this information has been available to civilizations around the entire planet, including our own “Native American” cultures. Egypt, India, most Oriental and Asian countries. Even most religious groups and “healing modalities” accept varying degrees of these “higher energies.”
David: So this allegedly “simple” explanation of the Awareness System is much more complicated underneath the surface of what we will be covering today.
Walton: If at first you “get” the idea of Awareness directing Energy, then the things you call “complicated’ tend to simplify on their own.
David: Great! “Semper Fi” to you too! Let’s dig in!
Walton: There are different aware intensities, thus providing different results or degrees of perception. We’ll start with a quote from the first of the four aspects of the Awareness System: the degree or intensity of the Observing experience, General Awareness.
As we observe something with as simple and pure an awareness skill as we are able to practice, Step One is to collect an energy field into a space or time creation. We covered that in the discussion about the Observer Effect.
David: Matter begins to take shape in a particular place and time, right? A Cosmic blob.
Walton: Here is a quote from the first Attention section: ATTENTION: Attention is the act of Awareness generally directing its perceptive sensing (attentive observing) toward any thing in any environment, internal or external to the human organism, on any vibratory level.
Because of the Primary Truth that “Awareness Directs Energy”, this act of attentive observing attracts an accumulation of universal vibratory energy to the focal point of that perception, the target of that general focus and attentive observing.
David: Then, after that has started, we keep increasing our aware focus, and it becomes time to unleash the Energy Kraken, right?
Walton: At first, maybe a Baby Kraken. A Kraken kiddie. In Step Two, the energy pathway flow increases, which now continues into and throughout the creation. Again, a quote from the PTP text:
INTENTION: Intention is the act of Awareness specifically prolonging or increasing its perceptive sensing toward any thing in any environment, thus leading to the further INCREASED accumulation of energy at the point of that perception.
This “deliberate/willful” act of prolonged observing may later involve or include the manipulation of the Sensory System (the physical human body) to act out a behavior to further assist Awareness with this concentrated effort of focus. Awareness, through intention, begins to focus/shape/control the accumulating energy at the point of that perception. Intention = will = purpose.
Walton: Could you please put those words into “Kiddie Kraken” language for me?
David: The longer you observe, the stronger you get. Your creation gets thicker, and quicker. Your beginning Fluff turns into real Stuff! Good enough?
Walton: I so enjoy your poetic take on these lessons! Rhymes for the times!
David: Harder, better, faster, stronger!!
Walton: That was a very adept display of Daft Punk there. A veritable Steam Machine!
David: So where do we Cosmic Creators go from here? We started with Egg Energy. Then along came the Kraken Kid. What does that grow up to be?
Walton: Most likely, that goes on to the possibility of becoming “Retention Detention”! Stuck in an energy-blocked world of your own choosing. Step 3 of the energy-attraction creative process is Retention. This is a prolonged observing at which point the energy mass becomes a denser creation to be observed. More like becoming an “I am” consciousness.
David: A String Bean Teen! I am what I am, and that’s all that I am. Popeye!
Walton: The increased amount of Energy that has been directed toward the “target creation” begins to form various layers and degrees around the initial form. In the study of metaphysical healing methods, these layers are often referred to as Bodies, or Auras. Energy is accumulated and retained in a specific shape, time, and place. Again, a quote from the PTP chapter about this:
RETENTION: Retention is the act of Awareness directing accumulated energy to be stored within the various vibratory levels of the human organism (physical and non-physical “bodies”).
The purpose (intention) of the storage should be the later full processing of any Energy perception/sensing information (a Stimulus), … the result of Retention of Energy is the continual maintenance of Energy patterns (beliefs/thoughts/memories, etc)
Walton: And now we have reached the stage of Complexity that most humans are familiar with. We have stored energy, shaping itself by contact with a complex planetary environment.
David: Wait for it: “The Earth has given Birth!”
Walton: From dust were we made, and with dust we must live. Cosmic dust incarnated into a humble human package.
David: And into dust we must return?
Walton: And that return starts with Step 4, the Processing of this accumulated Energy package. In Step 4, that processing is when we begin to observe the denser or crystallized energy mass and its environmental impact or influence on our daily lives. And, to skip ahead and provide the punch line, once fully observed, the creation can return to its original state of separate waves or particles, once again to be observed in a formation of a new creation. If not fully processed, then plan on experiencing the aforementioned Retention Detention! Our final quote for the processing stage is this:
PROCESSING: Processing is the act of Awareness intentionally directing its total attentive observing to fully sensing the Energy impact of an environmental event (a Stimulus), be it an event presently occurring, or previously perceived and retained/stored. This act is the fulfillment of the Primary Purpose for all Creation. Awareness directs Energy into a new creation, then observes and watches and “feels” it with all of its attention. Thus, the individual bits of energy in those creations are no longer needed, and are released back into their original states of particlehood or wavehood. Now some other newly emerging consciousness, with other creative plans, can use them elsewhere.
David: Talk about a Spoiler Alert, that is “The Big One”. We are done, gone, goodbye and good luck to all those now released energy waves, particles, and wavicles!!
Walton: By the way, did you try any of the exercises that were described, and prescribed, in this lesson?
David: The first one was a bit weird. Locate places in front of you, and then surrounding you, and then get a sense of being aware of those unseen spaces.
Walton: And you’ve never heard of people sensing something unseen in their environment? Maybe even an intuition? You would make a terrible ninja warrior, whose perception skills must include this particular ability.
David: And also like a Jedi warrior?
Walton: Right from the beginning of Luke’s initial training with Obi Wan Kenobi, focus not on thinking and seeing, but “feeling the invisible force.” Becoming one with it.
David: Psychic sensing? It’s really a thing?
Walton: For our purposes there, let’s call it “Awake and Aware!” Like in Step 6 and 7 of the Attention exercise, “You get what you get … You are simply stretching your sense of aware attention to a place that is unavailable to your normal range of vision.” So, how about the “Intention” exercise? Any simpler, or easier?
David: That was the internal focus one, right? On the breathing deeper thing?
Walton: In the beginning of this exercise, just some old fashioned breathing. Then you increase your effort, and your focus, and the size of the space within your physical body. Details about muscles, organs, limbs, and so forth. What happened as your aware focus increased?
David: Well, after a bit of a dizzy spell, some of my muscles started to relax. And the whole insides of my body got warmer. And then the awareness and the breath each increased simultaneously. More Breath, deeper focus, back and forth. Like blowing up a balloon larger than it is expected to expand.
Walton: Again, with respect to the field of metaphysics, pathways called “meridians” filling with energy, called “chi” charging up the various energy centers, called chakras. Western medicine is just recently coming up with its own set of parallel terms for these items. Nerve plexi, cerebral-spinal fluids, and the historical favorite of Rene Descartes, the Pineal Gland, seat of the soul!
David: The Retention exercise seemed like a “trip down memory lane”, or “down a rabbit hole.” Stored memories from my life so far, just going whichever way the dominant thoughts, or energies led.
Walton: Learning how to become more awake and aware of that process is at the heart of any beneficial therapy technique. Be able to track backward in order to eventually be able to move forward. Once you have picked out a very specific collection of stored energy, or a strong stuck belief, we move onto the last of the four parts of the Awareness System. Processing those stuck and energy-draining memories, thoughts, concept, beliefs. Once fully processed, they will begin to dissolve.
David: That sounds like the most important lesson of all in this program. Can you teach it to me ?
Walton: Sure, that is why you and I are here for these next few weeks.
David: You mean I gotta wait for it?
Walton: All good things come to those who intend to become awake and aware.
David: Rats. I am not a very patient patient!
Walton: Be still and know that you will. Be, that is. The rest of our studies will cover the nature of the body in which we live, the Sensory System, the other earth-based energies that we experience, the Belief System, how each of those Systems work together, and finally, how all the intermingling Energies are then completed, and released back into their native habitat.
David: Kill the Kraken! Part the Particles!
Walton: Devour the Davids!
David: What? Wait! Me too? No way!
Walton: Way. For all seemingly “good things” must come to an end! Your dreams, your schemes,
David: My goodness!
Walton: Yes, that too, along with your God-ness! Back to Source is your final Course!
David: The End.
Walton: So, for now, say “good night,” David.
David: “Good night, David!”
Walton: Rest your body well, tonight. Tomorrow, we discuss the Sensory System!
David: I’ll bring snacks…