“The Meeting” & “The Message”
Sunday, January 15
Eyelids flickered closed. Breathing became steady, slow, deep, rhythmic. The mastercore center opened easily. With no other movement, the dialogue began, warm, and to the point.
“Good to see you again, old friend.”
Once again, as always in this environment, the Professor felt the mutually comforting, and energizing, empathy from each member of the Communion Circle. He responded in kind: “Thank you, again, my Friends.”
“What is your report on Phase One of the operation which we are currently undertaking?”
Walton began to speak, calmly, with just a controlled hint of excitement in his voice and words: “We have our young messenger trained and prepared to initiate the next Phase of the work. The ‘Here am I’ Messenger has now been sent forth!!”
“What were the primary challenges in completing your task?”
Pausing to reflect on the theme word, “challenges,” Walton stated some of the obvious limitations of David serving in such an esteemed capacity. “He’s no Isaiah, of course!”
The group members smiled and sighed politely at this comparison.
“He is young, but mature in ways not common in many others his age. His initial natural state of Awareness and Awakeness was easy to amplify, expand, and educate. He demonstrates the typical stressors of humans his age: relationships, future goals, past failures, and questions galore. But his sense of humor shone through all of these, to some degree. As all of us here recognize, humor is a unique talent to possess in the midst of mighty challenges and expectations of others. He is very intelligent, both in formal scholastic studies, as well as being a natural autodidact in a wide variety of topics. Brain development includes strengths in both hemispheres, the logical and the artistic.”
“How did he handle the most important aspect of our message: the search for simplicity?”
“As with most programmed humans, there is always an initial tendency to see the world as a complicated path to travel. But the exercises that we had prepared in advance for me to share with him – he began to more easily recognize that the programmed human brain is but a tool to be used, not a measurement of the true sense of the worth of a person. Shedding old beliefs was not that difficult.”
“And how is he going to proceed with the second Phase of the venture? How does he plan to share what he has learned from you, and transmit that message to others?”
“In that situation, it seems like we were highly fortunate in picking one of the most appropriate people available. He already had a close group of friends who are familiar with the world of music creation and performance. He himself is talented in many musical and literary areas. When he and another friend sent out an inquiry for fellow artists and musicians to join their artistic endeavor, there was almost a positively, and unnaturally, easy flow to the appropriate selection of those other folks who would most efficiently and effectively assist David in delivering our message: the search for simplicity in the everyday lives of the human race. It is as if he came into this incarnation prepared for such a task, and, just like the group of you sitting in this room tonight, the new associates who joined him in this endeavor already seemed to have an unusually pleasant degree of communication with one another. I witnessed this positive trait in areas both serious and humorous.”
“Is there a timetable prepared for the initiation of Phase Two?”
“Yes, with quite a bit of the groundwork detail already laid out. David’s musical group will be conducting a concert tour traveling through United States as soon as the current semester is completed at their campus. The general plan is to travel from Portland, Maine all the way to Portland, Oregon within the months of May, June, and July, possibly extending into the first week of August. They will play their music. They are eager to invite members of the audience for discussions and questions after each performance. They will be visiting locations of historical importance. They each have their own personal inventory of certain lesson topics, and how to seek a state of simple awareness in a broad variety of subjects. And, just to demonstrate the positive “behind-the-scenes” synchronicity going on here, I am aware that each of you in this room have chosen one or two of these folks to personally mentor at the appropriate time during the course of this musical tour.
“So, to briefly summarize, Phase One was you sending me out to find a single young talented person, a potential messenger, to mentor. That person is now going to be closely aligned with almost a dozen of his peers, with whom he will share the message of “simplicity in all things”. As they travel, that group of students will be sharing that message in every single location where they perform, as well as utilizing written and recorded messages to be broadcast over a wide variety of electronic and Internet means. By the time that the group reaches the Pacific coast, all of you present in this chamber tonight should be able to detect the degree of success that David’s small band of messengers has been able to achieve.
“Just as we stated here previously, the presence of the Communion Circle will continue to direct our own eternal energies toward the creation of this message and the modes of its delivery. We all mutually look forward to observing the wide variety of creative endeavors which are going to be poured into this enterprise. I myself thank this humble group again for your initial work on this immensely important project. I know that the band, “The Cross-Country Combination”, will soon enough interface with each of the Communion Circle members directly, very likely on the tour route, over the next few months. Thank you again.”
With that final benediction, the communication ended as abruptly as it had begun. Faces faded. Breathing rate increased. Eyes flickered again several times, then opened, and the Professor stayed awake for the rest of the evening, planning.