Reference: “All It Is” Chapter 7: “Energy”
Monday, January 2
Walton: Good morning, young apprentice. Are you ready and energized for our discussion about Energy today?
David: Energized like the famous Bunny! Fired up and ready to ride. Where do we start?
Walton: We are going to start with you telling me a brief history lesson. Travel back a few years, Junior High school, maybe later: How well did you do in your high school science classes?
David: I liked the Sciences, and they liked me. Great spaces for curious minds.
Walton: Specifically, in regards to information about the term “Energy,” did you understand the topics of waveforms, and the basic principles of amplitude and frequencies which make up all sound waves? As a matter of fact, all waves of any kind?
David: The sound waves info was very useful. Not only did we get to play around with some small Heath Kit boards and circuits, but I was also in one of my first rock bands. That allowed me to get familiar with amps, sound effects, recording equipment, and music scoring itself. “Turn it up to “11” fellas!”
Walton: Was most of your contact with sound waves? Anything higher or lower on the waveform spectrum than that?
David: Sure. The electromagnetic light spectrum of all rainbow colours and visible light, the hearing frequency range of humans from 20 to 20,000 Hertz, and the specific frequencies essential for tuning instruments, like A440 for orchestral instruments tuning. Can’t play decent music without them!
Walton: Do you know of any others that are pretty common to non-science people?
David: A couple of popular hit favorites, like InfraRed and UltraViolet, X-Rays and Gamma Rays. And in the olden times, like when you were a young punk, Radio AM and FM stations, TV stations, and shortwave radios.
Walton: How about in the alleged “vacuum” of outer space? Any waveforms way out there?
David: Well, that is kind of a new area of study, but I would think that there would have to be something out there, and everywhere, since these other types of waves I mention can travel to those outer limits. Doo-de-Doo-doo – “Space, the Final Frontier!”
Walton: So is there any place within Inner Space or Outer Space where no waveforms can exist?
David: Don’t think so, no.
Walton: Today’s conversation is about Energy. Energy is measured in terms of waveforms. What did we just say were the two aspects of a wave?
David: Well, for this rock’n’roller, volume and pitch!
Walton: Translation?
David: Amplitude and frequency. Soft or loud intensity. High or low sounds.
Walton: Now comes the stretch: can you think of any single thing on this planet, or any other planet, for that matter, that does NOT consist of these two traits? Anything from the smallest particle to the largest Black Hole?
David: Nope. Everything vibrates to some degree, even if our limited eyes and ears can’t detect it.
Walton: Right on, my young brilliant science scholar. Therefore, well, therefore, what simple statement can be made about the universality of these waveforms?
David: They are everywhere, in everything, and every point in time and space.
Walton: Perhaps this statement sums it up: Everything is Energy. Energy is everything. There is nothing that is NOT Energy. There is no place that is NOT Energy. Again, to emphasize this major point, Energy IS everywhere and IS everything. You okay with that?
David: Mind once again successfully blown, Great and Grand Guru of the Cosmos. So let’s bring down the volume just a bit, and tell me where this fits into your PTP program, – what is the human behavior aspect of this Universal Truth?
Walton: Hold on to your brain for a few minutes, young eager beaver. Let’s simplify and complicate this whole matter at the same time.
David: Matter? What about this matters?
Walton: Glad you asked! What do you remember from your science days about the “Law of Conservation of Mass”?
David: Not sure where you are going with this.
Walton: Matter, young man. Matter matters! The Law of Conservation of Mass states that Matter cannot be created or destroyed. There is, was, and will always be, a stable amount of Matter in the Universe. However, … well, … however what?
David: It all comes roaring back to me now. Matter, it can change shape, or status, or form. Solids and Liquids and Gases and Plasmas can switch from state to state, based on some degree of, … wait for it, Energy being applied to that mass in order to initiate the change.
Walton: “However, the total amount of matter in a closed state remains constant.” Thus sayeth the spooky soothsayers of science.
David: And spaketh they thusly: All Matter matters! Universally! Absolutely. Thus the connection to your Absolute Truth, I imagine!
Walton: No need to imagine. It is all right here, in one tidy place: Remember, from 2 days ago, our One Universal, or Absolute Truth: “Awareness Directs Energy”? Let me quote a few sentence summaries from your most recent reading assignment:
Item #1: “Energy is all of the “stuff” in the Universe (it comes in many forms, many frequencies and intensities/amplitudes). It exists in one of two forms: waves or particles. Some loosely refer to this as “matter.” I personally enjoy just referring to it as “Stuff”!
Item #2: All forms of energy, when measured by some kind of device, consist of two traits: frequency, which is measured on a “time” (CPS/Hz) scale, and amplitude, which is measured on an “intensity” (voltage/current/power) scale.
Item #3: There is a very fine line between the two states of Energy, waves and particles, since they are constantly changing back and forth into the other state.”
Did you understand the connection of waveforms to the five drawings on the blog page?
David: Pretty simple, I think. A sample of each of the five human senses, and what happens when the degree of magnitude, or amplitude increase with each one. Melting ice cream, musical sounds, stinky smells, colours and light, and skin-pressure sensations. Sight, sound, smell, taste, touch.
Walton: All common samples of Energy, as it alters from low to high, or vice versa. Directly impacting the lowly human organism.
Here’s where it gets a bit weird, or mind-blowing, as it relates to both the scientific world and the field of human behavior: Have you yet heard of “the “Observer Effect”?
David: Not that I could connect those two words to anything familiar. Does it have to do with super-powers, or anything cool like that?
Walton: Actually, it kind of does! There are groups of scientists who study the smallest particles that exist. It has been discovered, under the strictest of laboratory conditions, that when those scientists are in the midst of observing or trying to measure the activities of small particles, there are measurable changes in the behavior of those particles. The strangest part of this experiment is that the mere presence of these scientists themselves have become part of, or influenced, the results of any experiments they are running with these small bits of energy and matter. Simply by their being, and observing, in the area. When they are not observing the particles, no unusual behaviors occur with the small particles themselves. These changes only happen when there is a source of consciousness or awareness that is watching nearby. In other words, like your “super powers” suggestion, the human being while observing something is actually having an impact on the nature or condition of the thing being observed. Thus it is called The Observer Effect. Kind of like mind over matter. And the big deal with that set of results is that it is at the root of my “One Absolute Truth” that proclaims that “Awareness directs Energy”! Waves and particles dancing back and forth, altering their current state.
David: And the easiest summary of all this is… what?
Walton: “Energy takes shape when observed!”
David: I “see” that! I observe, therefore I am! And, I am now more curious to know just how this highfalutin science stuff relates to me and all the other mere mortals.
Walton: I don’t want to jump the gun on some of our future topics. But this Awareness and Energy connection is at the root of everything else we are going to discuss. So, maybe a simple explanation, or story, or exercise will suffice for now.
David: Saved by the dull!
Walton: We shall take a few moments here to discuss the general nature of Energy in relation to each human’s daily existence. And it is wrapped around the idea that a typical person’s daily life consists constantly of energy Gain and or energy Drain, primarily based on where we choose to direct our Awareness! Even though much more of this will be discussed in the chapter on the Belief System, for now I will at least introduce the overall purpose of why we should examine basic Energy so closely.
Universally, energy must be obtained, or gained, in order for creative things to be made from it. Meanwhile, in typical daily interactions with the world, energy is very often drained from us. We are constantly trading Energy with all other humans, or actually, organisms of every kind. We give, and we take, and hopefully, we do that in a balanced way.
David: Or else what?
Walton: Or else we don’t survive. We die. Is that answer specific enough for you? The human body, for example, must take in some forms of Energy in order to keep all its biological systems operating properly. If we are drained of Energy more often than we gain energy, then sicknesses, weaknesses, losses of all kinds occur to the human Sensory System, the physical body.
This need for a balance leads to the three primary motivators in every person’s life, which we will be covering in detail next week. For example, in any attempt to avoid things, like stored pain-oriented beliefs, memories, and events, then we are being drained of Energy. However, when we are attempting to pursue potentially pleasurable experiences, then it is more likely that we are gaining energy from those pursuits. We must maintain at least a pretty equal balance between making sure that we first obtain energy, and then secondly, maintain that gain whenever a possible draining event occurs.
David: Could you please throw in an example or two here?
Walton: Why certainly! If you don’t eat your breakfast of Cheerios or Wheaties, then you will likely fall asleep at your work station around 10 or 11 am. If you don’t drink your morning protein shake, then your muscles will shake when you are trying to work out at the gym later on. And, more philosophically, the Bible suggests that we should “Do unto others as you would wish them to do unto you!” And Willie Nelson suggests that it is all “A little old fashioned karma coming down!”
David: “Take a walk on the wild side”?
Walton: And expect to slip off of the sidewalk!
Again, I remind you that more detail will be discussed about this relationship on the chapter about the three primary motivators. But, for now, it is important to at least initially mention this in the discussion about energy in general because otherwise, why bother with even these initial discussions? As explained much earlier, the first chapters are designed to set up a framework for discussing the later chapters.
David: Does this rule, or law, or formula, affect everyone?
Walton: Just like what does up must come down, and what goes down must come up. Back to waveforms, and energy balances. During the years when I was a mental health therapist, each counseling client I had would come to visit me because some kind of drain in their lives was becoming harmful to them. Thus they needed exposure to some alternative kinds of behaviors that would help them gain back that lost energy. Breathing techniques, improved diets, sometimes medication assistance, goal-setting plans, relationship building, and on and on. For whatever brought them down in energy, emotional, mental or physical, we had to work out a corresponding method of energy gain, or replenishing.
David: What about the bigger picture – the human race as a single organism, the whole world as a source of Drain or Gain? There are currently a lot of depressed people on this planet. Lots of doom and gloom concerning our outlook for survival as a species.
Walton: I am going to answer you by blending a bit of history, religion, celestial science, and Darwinism. Quite a combo. This will be the mind-blowing part of our discussion. Today’s random rant! Here goes:
Let’s get radical and consider the lowly human’s efforts to create a world. Could there be some state of Awareness that is beyond the Earthling human level? Other planets, spaces, levels/layers of density in the Multi-verse? Angels or demons? Extraterrestrials? Non-carbon-based entities?
What person or group of people are so egotistical enough to think that we are the only exclusive organism with the ability to shape and create with energy? Maybe this is where the concept of “Almighty Mysterious Gods” came from, the inability to explain things that are beyond human comprehension! We had to invent those Gods and the celestial host because we didn’t have the “scientific understanding” of the relationship between Awareness and Energy. We made up fables to cover up this lack of knowledge!
Adam and Eve? Awareness and Energy? The Serpent of Self? Struggling Humanity’s sole purpose, as we will cover more in depth later on, becomes defensive survival of the Self. The now programmed Self. In PTP language, it is called the Belief System, the BS. No more care-free wandering through The Garden of a balanced energy planet, aimlessly and with no growth or need for growth.
The continuation of that Self Survival could be called “Sin” because it led nowhere but further down into itself, selfish survival. On and On, to the “death of us all!”
However, what if there were ways to return to the original state of Awareness, freely creating, or NOT creating, with raw uncontrolled Energy once again? The end of energy imbalances, the major reduction of that draining energy-bound Selfish Ego?
That change could occur! And it all starts with re-learning how to simply be Aware, by itself. Then with a basic understanding of creative techniques, and energy balancing, Creation of an improved “home planet” could continue, IF it is even desired any more!
If this does not occur pretty soon, the final endless result is we become forever trapped, unconsciously, in our self-made BS! Just like humankind since the days of Adam and Eve’s “First Sin”! That “first sin” was the loss of simple Awareness because of the continuous and endless pursuit of Energetic Self-oriented Stuff.
Notice the title of the last chapter in your blog book, “Awareness & The Belief Barrier Battle: A Process Parable.” This “battle” is where you and I are headed, my brave little friend!
Awareness is the Source and the Force. Energy is the battlefield. And you, my mild-mannered reporter, are our potential Super Hero!!
David: Thanks for the depressing rant, Gramps. Even super heroes probably have bad days, when the Energy Drain is much greater than the Energy Gain!! Spinach? Cheerios? Vitamins? Guess we better start filling up on the nutritional basics.
Walton: Or, easier and more effective, is this: Instead of accumulating Energy creations, learn how to let them go back to their original free state. PTP will NOT be about gaining more of anything. We don’t need more “Stuff and Fluff”. We are pursuing a program about “Release and Relax” more. Almost like living, or traveling backwards, to the Simpler life of yesteryear.
David: {whispers uncomfortably under his breath:} Shazam, I guess.
Walton: Are you still so sure that “Life should be simpler than it is” is the mantra and goal you are seeking?
David: I once thought so, so many long days, or hours, ago! Drain my brain, end up with a Gain?
Walton: Your energy level is now lower than a snake’s belly. So crawl away, Captain, my Captain! Captain of Miracles!
David: {to himself, as he leaves the Sanctuary} It will be a miracle if I survive this week!