S4S Chapter 3.5

Monday, October 31

“The S4S Commission Ceremonies”

Members of the Mystic Masters Communion Circle
Members of the Musical Cross-Country Combination
Members of the Magical Feast of Samhain
Members of the MetaPhysical Dark Trinity Trio

Plans for the sharing/delivering/dissemination of the PTP project entitled “The Search for Simplicity (S4S)”.

On Monday evening, October 31st, there were four groups who planned to meet almost simultaneously. However, each of the four groups would assemble in a totally different geographic location on the planet. Each group was going to take their own respective role in dedicating the intention of spreading the message concerning the “Search for Simplicity” to the world.

This collection of meetings occurred on the date which some cultures celebrate as Halloween evening, or All Hallow’s Eve. It is believed to be a time period when the dividing line between the earthly world and other non-physical worlds, both above and below, both inner and outer, could be more easily connected and crossed by spirits of either nature or intent. It was at these four separate events that an “inspirational message” was shared by the Mystical Communion Circle group, and transmitted to the Musical Cross-Country Halloween group, the Magical Samhain group, and, oddly enough, the Metaphysical Mayhem of the Dark Trinity Trio.

Three groups were dedicated to the support of the message of “The Search for Simplicity” in all things, and this special collection of people would attempt to deliver that message to the people they met on any upcoming tour. One group, however, was dedicated only to the delivering of confusion, chaos, and conflict.

This theme of “Simplicity in all things” already served as David’s message and mission when he originally decided to form his musical group. He hoped that such a message would replace all the complexity that humans have created in order to surround themselves with defense mechanisms based on beliefs rather than behaviors. The battle of “concept versus concrete.”

Each of the first three groups on the list was meeting in order to simply demonstrate how a return to a state of human simplicity would resolve a vast amount of human misery! Each of those groups dedicated themselves to their role in the revealing and transmission of this search for simplicity.

David, Sal, Earle, Morrie, Debi & Denise were having a fairly generic dedication service for the band. David discussed his initial intention to combine a certain musical theme with a specific message. Apart from the brief dedication ceremony, these members did some musical jamming for a while on some of David’s early songs “in the works.”

Meanwhile, Brittany, Deva, Jackie, and Joanna attended a Celtic event known as Samhain. Joanna was there to encourage the other three to consider committing to the mission/message. Fortunately, that particularly focused and phrased message convinced the other three to unite with the group right away! {Jackie and Deva already had a “thing” going on! He had a “lack” of one sense (hearing) but she possessed certain extra-sensory skills (communicating with her guides)}.

The Dark Trinity Trio designed their more nefarious ceremony around some way to interfere and interrupt with David’s plans for the band. The Simplicity message was lost on them. Revenge was the meal that they would best serve, hot, cold, or lukewarm!

The Communion Circle was seeking Energy Simplification in the following impact areas: Religions, Economics & Money, Plant and Animal Nature, Science & Math, The Arts & Communication, Law & History & Wars & Revolutions, Medicine & Physical Body Healing, Verbal Languages & Signing, Psychology & Philosophy.

David, through the music of his CCC group, was seeking Simplicity in the areas of personal growth as well as personal relationships. He wrote most of his own music with that goal in mind.

The Dark Trinity Trio was seeking Simplicity in self-discovery of “the five senses”, “identity issues,” and the “battle of light vs dark forces.”

1.) The Communion Circle had created a framework for the S4S message.
2.) They provided that message to Circle member “Professor” Walton Roberson Masters.
3.) Walton would deliver it in person to David in a small Sanctuary near Bangor, Maine, over David’s Winter Break from the University there.
4.) During late Spring and early Summer, David would then share it with the Cross-Country Combination group during a tour of the United States, from Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon.
5.) The Cross-Country Combination group would then share the message with the general public at every concert stop on that tour.

Where (location for the initial commitment/dedication ceremony for this project):

Midnight Meeting of the Mystic Masters Communion Circle:
The group of Mystic Masters convened in a hidden cavern within Mount Shasta. Its ten members represented various aspects of human life. But collectively, The Communion Circle and their specialty topic areas united in developing the Energetic Simplicity paradigm.
On October 31st, the ten members of the Communion Circle convened in either their physical or their metaphysical bodies, all at the same place and time.

Midnight Meeting of the Musical Cross-Country Combination
Katahdin Stream Campground – Baxter State Park
Six of the ten members of the group Cross-Country Combination were going to go camping and hiking up in Baxter State Park. They would plan to have their own ceremony either at the top of Mount Katahdin, or in a campground at the base of the mountain, weather permitting.

Midnight Meeting of the Magical Feast of Samhain
Machiasport, Maine @ home of Joanna’s relatives
The other four members of the Cross-Country Combination group were going to meet at a comfortable but very old house in the town of Machiasport, Maine, with a view of the ocean. It would be a beach-based ceremony, where the sand met the surf.

Midnight Meeting of the MetaPhysical Dark Trinity Trio
The three members of the Dark Trinity Trio were going to take the following tour:
Starting at “Ghostly Bangor Walking Tours”: A 90-minute tour of downtown Bangor that included tales of murder, unsolved mysteries, and past residents. Then they would finish privately at Mount Hope Cemetery (of Stephen King/”Pet Sematary” notoriety).

Commission Ceremony spoken rituals:

Communion Circle:
We, the members of the Mystic Masters of the Communion Circle, convene here and now, in this particular space and and in this particular Time, to Create and then Transmit a new lesson for this current Age. We intend for it to be a special step in the worldwide increase of increasing the advanced states of Awakeness and Awareness of the inhabitants of this struggling planet. We thank those inspired beings who have come before these days in order to share this same message. We appreciate all energy sources who have been previously created, completed, and then contemplated for their complementary assistance to this challenge. The Search for increased Energetic Simplicity in all human endeavours will positively advance the lives of all earthly beings, on all vibrational planes of existence. We openly, willingly, connect our entire selves to the combined flowing Energies of both Heaven and Earth. May we personally become direct conduits for that future greater state of universal illumination. From the Earth’s Root, to the Heaven’s Crown. (Spoken in their own native culture….) Amen. Aum. Shalom. So mote it be. Hallelujah. Ameen. Namaste. Om Shanti. Mitakuye Oyasin. Amitabha Buddha. Ho’o Mayana. As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu. (all bow in toward the center space of the Communion Circle.)

Cross-Country Combination (Katadhin group)
We, the member Musicians of the Cross-Country Combination, meet here at beautiful Mount Katadhin, on Halloween evening, to create, write, and perform a new spirit in modern music. We want to share a message through our music, which could help Awaken and increase general Awareness of the many complicated traps and trances that people are living, and hiding, in. From the texts of Thoreau, we call those aimless people “Trance Ants,” for that is how they seem to live each day. Aimless, and digging in the dirt for any glimpse of an enlightened life. And finding no such thing in their external worlds. We have been inspired by our own personal mentors, writers, artists, and spiritual speakers around the land. The most effective of these visionaries discuss a goal of creating a simpler, and a more energy efficient lifestyle. Today, in this space and time, we wish to join with that vision, in our own unique creative way – through the energy of music. As the prophet Isaiah once called: “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Please, send us. Inspire us. Simplify us, guide and accompany us. Connecting the Earth to the Heavens, we thank the guiding Spirits of Sanctuary and Simplicity. We await your direction.

Cross-Country Combination (Machiasport group)
We, the members of this Magical Feast of SamHain, and complementary members of the musical group, Cross-Country Combination, meet here where the solid land meets the endless sea. “By the might of the waters, and the light of the fires, between the Earth and Sky, we stand like the World-Tree rooted deep, crowned high. This grove is made whole and holy!” On this special day, to some known as Halloween, it is a day for us to celebrate the ancient Celtic, druidic ritual ceremony known as Samhain (Sow-win) . We choose to believe that it is a day when the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead is lightened, thus allowing for the increased potential of communication with our ancestors and other divine spirit entities. We seek to join with our fellow musicians and artists in the creation of a simple and energized musical adventure that would allow us the opportunity to commune comfortably with those artistic spirits who have gone before us, and who have already shuffled off this mortal coil. We willingly wish, and volitionally choose, to become empty vessels through which the vibrations of the Earth’s center may spring up and flow through us, in seeking to reach the Heavenly spheres. Rise though us, move through us. May we be allowed to light the fires of Awareness and Awakeness in those troubled souls who, while still walking this physical planet, stumble daily, as if in a perpetual trance. Here we are. Send us, please. We sing and dance to the spirits of Simplicity. “Now let us move forward in silence, with the Power of the Between in us, and know the blessing as it manifests itself in our lives.” And we thank all Spirits of joy and enlightenment who dance and sing alongside us on our journey. From the City Desert, through the Pentecostal Nightmare, to the River’s Journey at the other end of this land, we pray with, and praise, the Spirits, Fairies, and Angels who guide us. Namaste.

MetaPhysical Dark Trinity Trio
We, … the uncalled members of the MetaPhysical Dark Trinity Trio, the unchosen anti-members of the simple-minded musical group calling itself the highly pretentious name of Cross-Country Combination, … we seek primarily to seek the end of its very survival. Closet Christians and Wicked Wiccans! Lock ‘em up! Like their ancestors before them. They didn’t even consider us worthy of sharing their precious Secret Combination, yea though our talents are plentiful and practiced! Thus, we prefer to worship in the holy houses of the haunted, and to scramble through the hard-scrabble clods of overturned graveyard earth. Speak to, and through, us, lost sinful souls, that your saddened spirits may find life anew in us and our own merry band of mischief makers. Call up the fires from the earth’s iron core, call down the fires from the heartless heavens, that we may forge a reunion of flame and passion. To those who claim familiarity with being Awake and Aware, beware and be awoken by the stormy sounds of our souls through musical madness, that ye may never fall asleep again, until time memorable and immemorial. Calling all ghastly ghouls, brow-beaten fools, and tortured tools of lingering usefulness. We will awaken you with the silent scream locked within the deadly dream. Here we go, unsent and unsolicited! Pax vobiscum. A pox on the scum! Later, dudes!


So sayeth the Spirit of the Search for Simplicity! Sayonara!!

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