Awareness & Energy

This is how Awareness and Energy relate to each other:

The One Primary Truth statement is this: “Attention Directs Energy.”

When Energy is being observed by Awareness, it changes from a state of waves into a state of particles. When it is no longer observed, the particles return to a wave state. Energy particles accumulate at the point of any attentive observing by Awareness.

This attentive observing leads to the collection/accumulation of those energy particles in a variety of forms, based on the INTENSITY of that attention (how much attentive observing Awareness is doing).

This accumulation of Energy then leads to the triggering of other events to occur, more shaping of Energy forms, which in turn cause other levels of decreased/limited Awareness to exist, down to the level of an intentionally created and separate limited human consciousness and eventually a physical Sensory System (SS, also called the human body).

A human, then, is an infinite Awareness surrounding itself with many varieties and intensities and forms of Energy. And the wave/particle state of energy is based on whatever degree of Awareness is present.

Since consciousness is a multi-level but now-limited collection of Awareness-directed Energies now defined as an “I Am” state, it becomes its own source of creativity. Consciousness now makes things, if it chooses to do so, in order to continually experiment with that sense of “I Am” being-ness.

Here is an example of the relationship between Awareness and Energy:

Hey, guys! Let’s build something!
Hey, how about a cave?
No, what about a clubhouse?
No, how about a treehouse?
All in favor, say something.
Okay, the treehouse wins.

Good ideas, all of them. Now that we are consciously Aware of a specific goal, and we all agree to that goal, we need to begin to focus our Energies into the details and methods of its construction.

What do we need to do first?  
What kind of treehouse do we want?
Where is it going to be?
How big is it going to be?
How high off the ground will it be?
How are we gonna get up into it?
How are we gonna keep those dumb girls from using it?

Good questions, all of them. Now that we are consciously Aware of some specific challenges, and we all agree to face those challenges, we need to begin to focus our Energies into its actual construction.

When are we gonna work on it? 
Who has the money for materials?
What are the actual dimensions?
Will it have a bathroom?
How are we gonna carry stuff to it?
Who’s providing our snacks while we work on it?

More good questions, all of them. Now that we are consciously Aware of some more specific needs of the plan, let’s focus on specific people and specific chores. Focus your Energies on that for a while.

I’ll cut the wood. 
I’ll run the nail gun.
I’ll furnish the furniture.
I’ll build a rope ladder.
I’ll make a sign to keep the dumb girls away.
I’ll make snacks.

More good suggestions, all of them. Now that we are consciously Aware of our own specific work assignments, let’s focus our time Energies on completing the construction of this wonderful treehouse.

But wait, I have to practice my piano for two hours.
And I have to go to the dentist for a cavity.
And I have to take a walk around the block to think long and hard about what I am going to do, and exactly how I am going to do it.
And I have to finish my homework before I can help you guys.
And I have to baby-sit my silly little sister.
And I have to eat something first.

{Pause}. These are terrible suggestions and excuses. You guys just blew it. You lost your Aware focus on completing our creation. It all fell apart, just like that. And now there will be no more Energy spent in building our dream treehouse.

That’s fine with us.
It was a stupid idea anyway.
You are so bossy.
And negative.
Besides, the dumb old girls already completed their own treehouse next door.
Wait! We can just sneak into theirs!!
Ew! Gross!


No matter what you are building, alone or with someone else, you are following the One Primary Truth of the Universe: Awareness Directs Energy! The degree of Awareness within a conscious creator (or a group of co-creators) determines the effectiveness of the use of Energy to complete any creation. Whether you are constructing something on the physical material plane, or you are a lifeform from a more cosmic non-brain-based consciousness, the same ONE RULE still applies. Awareness Directs Energy.

Everything that is created requires following this same One Truth. Everything!

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