4 E/I Proc Ops

This section of the PTP terms is probably the most technically-oriented topic within the entire PTP realm.

To meet that challenge, I first include the most-likely-boring explanation of each energy/information processing component/operation.

Then I share a story-like example of how each process works.

Then I provide a simple exercise that you can try to emulate each process.

Finally, I have a few images for each component.

Remember, have fun! If it ain’t fun, then it ain’t worth worrying about.

The Four Primary Energy/Information Processing Operations/Components [the Brain and Neural sections of the Sensory System]: Energy Movement

  1. Neuro-Resistance
  2. Neuro-Capacitance
  3. Neuro-Inductance
  4. Neuro-Transistance
  5. How The Four Primary Information Processing Operations Interact With Each Other

All stimulating energy events, whether of the physical or non-physical world, are translated (transformed) by the awareness system into physical energies of an electro-chemical nature. This electrical signal then conforms to the rules of electrical resistance, capacitance, inductance, and transistance/switching, to conduct itself throughout the physical neural network of the brain and body (the sensory system).

Simple translation? 1.) Our Awareness System perceives some form of energy. 2.) Then, that same system transforms it into something more recognizable to the components of the physical human body, the Sensory System. 3.) Once it is in a condition that the Sensory System (body/brain) can recognize it, the energy signal is processed by flowing through that body and brain. 4.) Finally, maybe we choose to create new beliefs about that energy, maybe we just feel it and let it go. And that is All It Is!

Although there is a wide variety of electrical components on any typical electronic circuit board, each and every one operates under one of these four basic functions. The input and output systems are interesting in their own ways, but, for me, the fascinating thing about the human brain was that it, too, used a simple set of four basic components to perform every task that it faced. These four components, just like with electronics, are, in my own PTP terminology: neuro-resistance, neuro-capacitance, neuro-inductance, and neuro-transistance. Described in this article is the primary essence of these operations, since they regulate the flow of data (“processing”) throughout the organism.

Here is a brief description of the four basic components of the neural network, along with a basic picture of a brain neuron. I have added the prefix “neuro” to the front of each term, because some of these four terms have a wider variety of meanings, even throughout PTP.

Neuro-Resistance (the electrical term, not the same term of “resistance” as listed previously with the three forms of human interaction):

This is the amount of electrical flow blockage through the neuron, and the voltage (membrane potential) measured across that neuron, from the signal input point at the dendrite tip to the signal output point at the end of the axon terminal. Neuro-Resistance, measured in “ohms,” varies with changes in the transference of sodium or potassium into and out of the neural wall/membrane, as well as the quality of the myelin sheath covering some axon branches.

Neuro-Resistance occurs when any electrical flow reaches a spot that tends to constrict that flow. On a circuit board, some components, called resistors, are composed of material that does not conduct electricity as easily as the rest of the system. When the electrical flow meets this resistance, a potential source of energy, called “voltage” (measured as Amplitude) is established across the incoming and outgoing ends of the resistor. Voltage varies with the amount of electricity that is trying to flow through the resistor, as well as the nature of the material blocking that flow. Voltage can then affect other components in the area. In the brain, the internal workings of the neuron are very similar. Based on the permeability level of the cell wall of the neuron, either sodium or potassium passes in and out of the cell wall, thus restricting or allowing the flow of electrical signal through that neuron. The voltage (potential energy) of this neuron could be measured, from one end (the signal input point at the dendrite tip) to the other end (the signal output point at the end of the axon terminal). Thus, there are two activities taking place as the electrical impulse travels through each neuron. Not only does the impulse travel through the neuron, but it also sets up a potential for other energy effects outside of the neuron (in a connected parallel or serial circuit.)

Here are pix of the electrical symbol for resistance, and some samples of resistors themselves:


Here is an example of the effects of resistors:

There is a school with very wide hallways, and lots of students traveling through those hallways wanting to get into the cafeteria. However, the single hallway that leads right into that large room is much smaller, thinner, less wide than all the other hallways. But these kids are hungry! And they all have only a limited amount of time to eat lunch and see their friends. So they all maintain their current walking speed, and try to cram though that narrow passage just as quickly and just as densely as in the other hallways. Guess what happens! The students get hot. They get bothered. They get angry! They generate more energy than in the rest of the school. There is probably some pushing and shoving. They all need to get through, and NOW! As the pressure to advance increases, so does the heat. The resistance level continues to increase, but only a limited number of people can get through the narrow hallway at one time. So, as the human expenditure of energy increases, resistance to hallway passage increases. The noise and emotional amplitude increases. That is resistance. Once they reach the large cafeteria, however, the heat and stress can decrease. Less resistance!

It could be the same situation with cars in city traffic. Or water running through a series of hoses. Or thoughts running through someone’s brain. Or armies on the battlefield. Or couples fighting over money, or children, or work. The more energy that is expended to get through a tighter spot will increase the level of resistance in that situation, and thus some form of heat will occur. And the degree of that heat, the amplitude, will also increase.

Here is an exercise to experience resistance:

Push against something. (If you can’t think of anything right away, just use your own hands against each other.) Now push harder. Now push harder still. Continue to push harder (if you can) until you feel so much energy coming through you that you begin to feel the actual heat that results between you and whatever you are pushing against. That is as simple as this is. The harder you push against an object, or idea, or outside or inside force, the more energy will build up. Then some form of heat occurs. Until, of course, you stop pushing your energy into a place that is not open enough to get through. At that point, the heat, the energy, the amplitude, the resistance will all decrease, or even disappear.


This is the speed (frequency) of the discharge of electrons (within neurotransmitter molecules) across the synaptic cleft between neurons. Neuro-Capacitance is measured in “farads” and determined by two things: the distance across the synaptic cleft from the edge of the axon terminal of one neuron to the dendrite tip of the next neuron (receptor), and by the width of the surface of the axon/dendrite synapses themselves.

Neuro-Capacitance occurs when a collection of electrons meets at a break in any continuous electrical path, such as the space between two brain neurons (known as the synaptic cleft). When there are enough of those electrons gathered together, they are able to leap across a chasm to another part of the circuit (the next neuron in line). They are thus able to continue along their journey through more sections of the electronic circuitry. This “break” in the circuit usually consists of a combination of two parallel plates, connected to the wires of the circuit, but containing a gap between the two plate surfaces themselves. The number of times that the collected electrons are able to leap across this opening (measured as Frequency) is determined by both the surface area of the plate where they are waiting to join with other electrons, and the width of the gorge across which they must leap. Fewer electrons, on a larger plate, across a wider gorge means less “jumping” frequency. More electrons on a smaller plate, with a shorter way to go, leads to higher frequency. In the brain, this gorge, this chasm, this challenge to traveling electrons, is called the synaptic cleft. Neurotransmitters, sent off by the neuron bosses, collect at this cleft, waiting for their friends to join them, so they can carry the electrical charge across that gap, creating a consistent electrical impulse traveling throughout the system. Any change, however, in the neuro-resistance level of the neuron, or the expanse of the synaptic cleft, will affect their ability to travel (nasty acts of chemical diffusion, enzymatic degradation, glial cell activity, or the reuptake process) .

These changes will lead to variations in amplitude and/or frequency of the electronic impulse, and its travel may just be re-routed to another location. Neuro-Capacitance, or this storage of electrons, is also a very effective way to develop a “memory impression” of any electrical event – electrons stored in the memory section of the brain, merely awaiting re-activation by the passing of a later electrical impulse through that storage place.

Here are pix of the electrical symbol for capacitance, and some samples of capacitors themselves:


Here is an example of the effects of capacitors:

Once upon a time, in BalloonLand, there was a large group of balloon people who decided that they wanted to go on a long community jog across the park. Once they headed out, the first part of the trip was very easy because is was nice flat land. However, after a few minutes, they came to a tall cliff. And they looked around at each other, asking each other questions like “What do we do now?” and “How do we get to the other side of this cliff?””

One of the balloon people, who was the brainiest one of all, decided to run an experiment. He told two of the balloon people to come forward so that he could try his experiment. He told each of these two balloon people to rub their heads together really fast. He knew that this would electrify each of them, making a very attractive static charge. Then he said to these two people that he wanted them to stand on the very edge of the cliff.

After that, he continued to get more and more balloon people to come forward, to rub all their heads together really fast, to create an attractive static charge, and then to connect themselves to the two balloon people who were already waiting at the edge of the cliff. Soon after they started this experiment, there grew quite a collection of balloon people, all connected together by their very attractive static charges. And they began to actually build a balloon bridge from one side of the cliff to the other side.

The very brainy balloon person had a hunch that something miraculous was about to occur. He called up the last of the balloon people, and gave the same set of instructions. At the moment when the very last balloon person rubbed their head together with some of the other balloon people, and then when that last balloon person crawled over the bridge far enough to touch the other side of the cliff, that miraculous thing did indeed occur. At the very moment that the last balloon person touched the other edge of the cliff, immediately all of the entire group of attractively and statically charged balloon people immediately found themselves standing on the other side of the cliff. Whoosh!

So, thanks to the brainy balloon person, they all begin to realize something very important: each balloon person by themselves could not get from one side of the cliff to the other. But reaching that goal grew closer and easier when more and more of the other balloon people joined them. They grew so excited that they continued their run around the park for hours, jumping over cliff after cliff. They began to do this jumping with a higher and higher frequency. They now realized that they had the capacity to jump together with an ever increasing frequency. And they all were very happy. And charged. And attractive.

Here is an exercise to experience capacitance:

Build a simple see-saw (maybe a ruler and a pencil) with two small Styrofoam coffee cups for water at each end. Fill up one of the two cups, but carefully have only one half of the cup on the edge of the see-saw, and one half of that same cup on the ground. Then go get some more water to put into the other cup.

The second empty cup should initially be resting lightly on the raised edge of your see-saw. Using a dropper, or spoon, slowly place some water into the empty cup, a bit at a time. At some point, the number of small water drops in the second cup will weigh more than the first water-filled cup at the other side of the see-saw. All of a sudden, the one larger water-filled cup should fall over (have a towel ready!), and immediately the cup with the new collection of small drops of water in it should drop to the ground. That is how capacitance works: only when enough of the small particles have collected will there be enough energy to make a change at the other side of the see-saw.


This is the degree of electromagnetic flux created when a signal travels thru a neuron (related to electrical “current”). Measured in “henries”, this electromagnetic field around the neuron affects the voltages and signals of all neurons nearby, creating new, more analogical, electrical energy patterns. The many arms of the neurons can surround each other, or they can surround muscle and bone, to create an electromagnetic vibration within these tissues. The transforming of vibrations from one intensity to another is performed by neuro-inductance. The electrical components in a circuit that create inductance are usually called transformers.

The nature of neuro-inductance is similar to that of neuro-resistors, but rather than setting up resistance due to the quality of materials of the resistor, measured in ohms, an inductor, measured in henries, causes resistance (and thus potential voltage) whenever an electrical charge travels through a coil of wire in that circuitry. The resultant electromagnetic field sets up a resistance to the flow of electricity, and the coil-shaped component alters the previously natural and unhindered flow of the electrical impulse. Any other component (or neuron) in the area is thus affected by the electromagnetic field produced by this coiling action. The nature of neuron axons and dendrites to extend themselves in many directions, and around their neighbors, and even around bone structure in some places of the body – this action of coiling sets up more possibilities for variation in the processing of electrical information.

Here are pix of the electrical symbol for inductance, and some samples of transformers themselves:


Here is an example of the effects of transformers:

You are a classroom teacher. You have 30 students in your first period class.

You call Biff up to the front of the room, by himself. And you quietly whisper to him that he needs to stop talking to his neighbor. It is a brief one-to-one conversation. Maybe he gets the message, maybe he doesn’t. Maybe he transforms his behavior, maybe he doesn’t. It is his choice now.

Then the class session begins. As you are starting to share today’s lesson with the entire room of students, there are several cell phones that start to ring, and half a dozen students in the corner seats start passing some printed notes with each other, and laughing at what they read. And there is Biff, now asleep and snoring in his seat. So, it becomes time to do your teacher thing: “Class, we all need to quiet down for a few moments, so that I may transfer some information that will allow you to be able to complete today’s lesson.”

Oddly enough, every one of the 30 students puts away their phones, their notes, and their whispers, and begins to pay attention to the teacher’s lesson of the day. Even Biff finally wakes back up, and dutifully opens his notebook. Will the one-to-thirty message delivered by the teacher transform their collective behavior? Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t.

But, there is a higher likelihood that more transformation will occur because, not only did the teacher send out her brief message to each and every student, but each of those 30 students also sent out a vocal or silent message of their own to their nearby fellow students, which now has the potential to amplify the teacher’s message. And they may, later on, tell their other friends in their other classes about this particular classroom event. Maybe even some other teachers will hear about it, and go to the original teacher, and share their own experiences. Maybe even the local newspaper will pick up the story and print it in their “Good News” section. Maybe even the local news channel will hard about the story, and broadcast it on the nightly news, where it might even be picked up by a syndicate station, along with several social media sites.

Maybe they will, maybe they won’t. But there is now the potential for energy that began with one single source to transform the collective energies of many other sources. Every time someone “sends out” a single signal” to the world, there is always a possibility that that signal could be amplified, by a variety of methods, and with variations of the original message.

Transformers also work in reverse. There could be whole crowds screaming about some social injustice, or political cause, or religious message. But, based on the quality of the human circuitry involved, the message could end up being reduced to a powerless whisper in no one’s ear. Remember that there are both Step-Up AND Step-down transformers! Study the nature of the classroom, study the nature of the message, study the method of message delivery, and you might be able to predict the eventual influence of your “signal”.

Here is an exercise to experience how transformers work:

Find a fan, that might also serve as a heater. Plug it into a wall. Notice the fan settings: Low/Medium/High.

Each time you turn the adjustment knob on that electrical appliance, you are taking an unchanging voltage out of the wall socket, and adjusting it to a different level. That is what transformers do.

Now, if your fan is also a heater, turn the knob to Low/Medium/High heat. Or, if it is fancy, pick the temperature you want the heater to run at.

Again, there is only one level of signal coming out of the wall socket, usually 120 volts AC. But inside the fan/heater there is a collection of electronic circuitry that makes the fan switch from one voltage level to another. Those changes usually occur due to a combination of resistors, capacitors, and inductors/transformers.

Bottom line – one stable level of input energy is being transformed into a higher or lower variable level of output energy. Just turn the switch!


Similar to a transistor, these “electronic switches” are the logical/digital section of the neural network. When a small electrical signal transmitted through one neuron (acting as the transistor’s “gate/base”) sends a signal to another neuron (the “emitter & collector” or “source & drain”), the second neuron is either fired “on” or left “off” (action potential versus resting potential of the neuron), based on the strength of the initial “gate/base” signal. This way, large collections of neurons (such as found in the reticular activating system) can communicate through “On” and “Off” patterns, similar to binary One’s and Zero’s.

This fourth process of brain functioning is that of neuro-transistance. Like the electronic component called a transistor, the neurons fire “on” and “off” with some established frequency and due to some established amplitude. When a transistor is fired “on” by a particular voltage (for silicon-based transistors, usually .3 to .7 volts), it allows a flow of current to pass through the transistor. But the transistor only turns on with an impulse within this voltage range. Any higher energy signal, or any lower energy signal, and no current gets to flow through that component. This switching procedure sets up the network’s ability to process information in “binary terms.”

That is, either a signal is “on” or it is “off.” Either it is “high” or “low.” It measures a voltage level, or it measures “0” volts, what is also called “ground.” The way that most computers send signals of increased complexity is by setting up a collection of these signals to work together, in streams of data called “bits” (a single switching), or “bytes” (a group of simultaneously operating switches). These electrical components are the multi-legged rectangular shapes you can see on a circuit board, called IC’s, or integrated circuit chips.

In electronic theory, the workings of resistors, capacitors, and inductors are called “analogical”, and the switching/transistor work is called “logical,” or “digital.” “Analogical” signals are much like waves on an oscilloscope screen. “Logical” or “digital” signals look more like boxes or steps.

Here are pix of the electrical symbol for transistors, some samples of transistors and integrated circuit chips, and an oscilloscope screen with both analog (top) and digital (bottom) signals:


Here is an example of the effects of transistors:

Howdy, folks! It is time to play the latest crypto-currency game, “Bring Me My BitCoin”!

Here’s how we play this exciting digital game. Each contestant can win up to 1024 bitcoin, each one worth an amazing slebenty-leven dollaros! For a grand total of a Bazingillion mustavas!! That is a lot of guacamucho, folks! And you can take that to the BitCoin Bank nearest you!

To actually play the game, step by step, a contestant walks up to a series of 11 gates, one at a time. Each gate has a switch on it. Each switch has only an “ON” setting and an “OFF” setting. No “door number three” for this show! You got only two choices, folks!  An “ON” or an “OFF.” A “Yes” or a “No”.  A “True” or a “False.” A “1” or a “0”! So don’t stand there, being a Zero, step on up to play “Bring Me My BitCoin”!

If, for example, at the first station, you flip the magic switch and it says “ON,” then the gate opens up, bells will ring, balloons will fall, and you dance over to the next station, where you will be given your first BitCoin. However, if you flip the magic switch and it says “OFF”, Oh well, then, sorry buster. You get “Squat,” which is only worth slinkety-nono dollaros. We will then open the gate for your sorry butt, so you can continue down to  each of the next stations of the Digital Dream Castle.

And if you are cursed enough to get the “OFF” message at every single station, well, we will at least lend you a half-pence to take the city bus back your sad, lonely, dark, pathetic 10 x 10 apartment.

You must make it all the way through the Digital Dream Castle before you walk away from the game. The Digital Dream Castle has 11 stations. Their BitCoin amounts are listed as follows: 1 – 2 – 4 – 8 – 16 – 32 – 64 – 128 – 256 – 512 – 1024. And, if you get nothing but “ON” messages all the way though the Castle,  that means you win a grand total of a Bazingillion mustavas! With that kind of wealth, you could pay off the entire national debt of a large western hemisphere democracy! And then even have a little left over for a nice cozy fast food restaurant of your choice.

So, who wants to be the first contestant to play “Bring Me My BitCoin!”????

Here is an exercise to experience the switching/transistor process:

This game is called The Transistor Kisser.

Find someone that you like to kiss (and of course, it goes without saying, that they must also like to kiss you too!). Stand in front of them, face to face. Place both of your open flat palms against theirs. At first, you might want to only use one hand each. Just pair one person’s right hand against the other person’s left hand so that the fingers match up.

Next, touch both palms and the tips of all ten fingers with theirs (or five-on-five for beginners!). So now, all palms and all fingertips are touching together, as well as both faces and eyes toward your partner’s. If you insist, at this point, you may perform an introductory kiss, just to practice and make sure that you are both familiar with that activity.

Now, the “hard part.” Each partner bends the tips of all of their own fingers backwards, so that only the palms of the partners are touching. Only the palms! Just a slight backward bend will do the trick. You don’t have to be double-jointed to play this game.

Here’s how to play the game itself. While each of you stare only at the eyes/face of your partner, you each will silently decide which of your own fingers is about to bend forward, into a straight-up position, in order to try to touch the exact same corresponding finger of your partner. You don’t bend your finger all the way forward.  Bring it ONLY to a straight up position. IF your partner happens to choose the exact same corresponding finger, then your two straight up fingertips should touch. And, as a reward for matching up, you may then give your partner a Transistor Kiss.

However, if ANY other fingers are straightened than the two matching fingers, then you can’t Transistor Kiss each other. You must bend back all your fingers again, and start over. For example, if the right hand ring finger of one person straightens up to touch the left hand ring finger of the partner, then the two fingertips should touch. And you both “win” that round, and get to do the Transistor Kiss. However, for another example, if the left hand thumb of one partner rises straight up, and the right hand index finger raises straight up, that is not a match! Even though they might be right next to each other, there is not a specific match. Real Transistors only turn on when there is a very specific match! So, sorry, no Transistor Kiss!

Keep your eyes on partner’s face and eyes. No hidden gestures or talking. Only one finger straightens up at a time. No multiple fingers during any one session.

Just pick one of the two of you to say “Go!” each time. If the fingertips don’t touch, then no Transistor Kiss. If they do touch, then you each get a Transistor Kiss!! And you can play as long as you like, without ever really “losing the game”!

At the very end of the game, when you win at least once, you can then clasp all your fingers into theirs, and let the electronic circuitry of your hands make beautiful energy!!!

How These Four Electrical Components Interact in Order to Process Energy Information for the Sensory System.

Long ago, while working as an electronic technician, it was my job to find out which components on a computer circuit board were not working properly, and then I had to change out those faulty components. At the same time I was working in the electronics industry, I was also taking college classes for a degree in Psychology. And a wonderful period of synchronicity occurred. I noticed that the components on a printed circuit board worked in pretty much the same way as the various aspects of the human brain’s neural network. The resistors worked very much like an electronic signal passing through the neuron. The capacitors reminded me of the synaptic cleft between neurons. The inductors/transformers acted a lot like the long lengths of dendrites and axons as they entered and exited the neuron cell base. And the transistors performed the switching operations that were described in the logical sections of the brain.

So I began to play with this idea a lot more, and more pieces of this “brain metaphor” fell into place.  The more familiar I became with the workings of each family of electronic circuit board components, I was able to categorize the basic operations of ALL electronic components into the four work categories listed here. And the more familiar I became with the anatomical and psychological make-up of the brain and human nervous system, I was able to categorize any and all brain functions into these same four processes.

The next few paragraphs will describe the most basic of these similarities. And from these basic similarities emerge all of the other operations of the brain as it tries to process any and all events in the world of the human being.

Let’s start with a simple circuit called an RC Time Constant, or a band-pass filter. This is when Resistance and Capacitance together set up a single allowable frequency based on their level of ohms and farads (“R”, measured in Ohms, TIMES “C”, measured in farads, EQUALS “T”, or time, a measurement of frequency: R x C = T). Only this one frequency can pass through that particular circuit, or path of the brain. More complex circuits, such as band-pass filters, resonance circuits, oscillators, amplifiers, transmitters, modulators, and wave trap filters can also be developed from these simpler elements. The resistors determine the amplitude of a waveform, and the capacitors determine the frequency of that waveform. And those are the two primary aspects of every waveform! The energy waves may have other names, like voltage, power, watts, or volume, but the measurement of any wave has those two primary aspects – the height of the amplified signal, and the frequency of how often the wave repeats itself in a circuit.

Here are three very simple RC circuits:


And here are two circuits with all four components (in both circuits, the transformer coils are inside the speaker!):


Before I move on to describe the nature of neuro-inductance and neuro-transistance, let me address another interesting aspect of the relationship between neuro-resistance and neuro-capacitance. Because of their united ability to control the flow of any electrical impulse, they can work together, in different portions of the brain, to insure that only certain signals reach certain sections of that brain. By setting up these waveform-filtering circuits, they can direct and re-direct any signal by modifying the amplitude or frequency of that signal.

Since each of the five human sensory receptors is only “tuned” to a particular frequency in the first place, each incoming signal (referred to as a stimulating event) has an identity that it carries with it, a signature based on voltage strength (amplitude) and number of occurrences (frequency). A resistor and a capacitor working together in an RC Bandpass Filter set up a pattern for any impulse: the resistor determines what amplitudes will pass through the circuit (the neuron is thus constructed only to operate with certain sodium and potassium levels allowable) and the capacitor determines what frequencies will be allowed to pass through the circuit (the establishment of a particular shape and size of gap for the synaptic cleft.) In this way, neurons are able to take on a consistent identity based on the early signals that the developing brain receives from the environment. They can then maintain those identities throughout the lifetime of the organism. The neurons “learn” which path each type of signal will process properly. The band-pass filters, similar to the RC time constant, are merely a greater collection of resistors and capacitors that allow only signals of certain frequency and amplitude ranges to pass, and these small circuits automatically filter out all other frequencies. They can also work in reverse, by filtering out only a certain range of signals, and allowing all others to pass by.

A “resonant” circuit is one that is designed only to operate at a certain frequency. The nature of neurons to take on particular roles, directing information throughout specific portions of the brain, is similar to the development of a resonant circuit. Neurons do develop patterns of response, and this I.D. pattern determines what resonant frequencies it will identify with, and which ones it will ignore, as a multitude of signals travel throughout the brain, seeking a responsive pattern of circuitry.

In this way, for example, the ears now have limits imposed upon them (usually 40 cycles per second, (c.p.s.), to 15,000 cps.) The eyes can usually detect frequencies in a certain range (the color spectrum of frequencies.) The sense of touch usually deals with very low frequencies, the frequencies of physical matter, and the ranges of chemical responses of one to another (both within the body, hormones, and outside the body, stimuli).

Thus, the human brain develops specific neural networks, initiated in the very early moments after birth, and continuing onward, that will only allow the transmission of a limited range of vibratory signals, based on both their amplitude and their frequency. The sections of the brain become specialized in their purpose/ability based on the RC filters set up within the neuron clusters of that section.

This comparison is similar to the right and left hemisphere functioning of the brain that humans have setting on top of, and in control of, their Sensory System. So, despite the seemingly complex nature of the results of my information processing experiences, it appears that the system that actually does that processing is still primarily a simply-designed structure., but more variable than a static resistance measurement.

Now let’s finally, but quickly and easily, move on to describe the nature of neuro-inductance and neuro-transistance. As mentioned earlier, inductance is similar to resistance, in that as a greater energy signal is sent through the circuit, a greater energy response to that signal is generated by the component. The one added difference between a resistor and a transformer is the increased presence of an electro-magnetic field around the transformer. A resistor’s impact is due to it being “hard-wired” to the other component sin a circuit. But a transformer’s coils DO NOT TOUCH the other components. Instead, the electro-magnetic field stimulates another coil, and the original energy signal is either amplified (Step up) or reduced (Step Down) as a result. And, in this aspect, a transformer is also similar to capacitors, in that, within a capacitor, the energy signal does not travel by a solid wire or circuit. Instead, the signal has to “jump across” the opening between neurons (or capacitor surfaces) to continue moving along the circuit path. Remember that a capacitor’s make-up is this: it is an electronic component that consists of two flat plates, separated by an insulating material. And a transformer is two coils of wire separated by space and insulation as well.

For neuro-transistance, just think of lots and lots of on/off switches. When the switch is “on”, a signal can cross a little bridge within the transistor. When the switch is “off”, then the signal is blocked from moving across that bridge. Our brains consist of two overall principles of calculating ability: analog (curved waveforms) and digital (square waveforms). The human body, the sensory system, constantly receives messages from the world through our five senses. Those messages are in analog form. But there are sections of the brain, like the reticular activating system near the top of the spine, that are designed to send all of these signals to the appropriate sections of the brain for processing. Think of this area like a massive train station, sending the trains only to the cities to which they are supposed to go.

One of the dominant features of the brain is a band of connections right at the top, called the corpus callosum. It connects the two hemispheres of the brain, allowing signals to transfer across from what is usually considered the logical side of the brain back and forth with the analogical side of the brain. This brain section contains millions of axons that interconnect the two hemispheres. Their main purpose is to connect the motor, sensory, and cognitive abilities between the cerebral cortex on either side of the brain. This works like a two-way bridge of energy and information processing for the human being.

Here is an example of the interactions amongst all four of these types of electrical components:

Perhaps the most accurate example to use here would be to incorporate a metaphor about how computers work. But the most relatable example of this interaction is actually the purpose of this whole PTP project – examining the nature of all human activity!

Step #1: By means of our senses, we receive a constant flow of information from the world around us.

Step #2: That information comes to us in the form of energy, whether it be electrical or chemical energy.

Step #3: The job of the neural network, and eventually the brain itself, is to determine which part of the body can best process, or examine, and particular collection of this incoming energy.

Step #4: Once that energy is categorized, it travels to a particular section of our body, based on it’s composition. That composition is the nature of the energy signal: amplitude and frequency.

Step #5: Signals relating to light go to the area that processes light, Smells go to the smell center, sounds go to the sound center, etc.

Step #6: The incoming messages are compared with the already stored previous messages.

Step #7: This comparison determines what impact that the message will have on the continued existence of the human body.

Step #8: If that message is considered “harmful,” then the body should seek to move away from any more messages like that. If the message is considered “body-friendly, then the body would likely seek to seek more of that message.

Step #9: This story stops here for now, because that is the primary list of activities for the body’s role in information processing. After these steps, the human’s Belief System makes choices of its own, and the description of the Belief System’s operation is found elsewhere in the pages of this PTP project!!

Here is an exercise to experience the sum result of all four electrical components and how they process an energy/information signal/message:

Finally, I have the easiest exercise to perform of all the suggestions so far: Go live your life, and increase your sensory awareness of what energies you are receiving, and processing and responding to!

And if you want to know more about all of these events, keep reading about the rest of the PTP project!

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