2 Truths: How and Why?

PTP: All It Is

The Two Absolutes Of Human Being-ness
Why are we here?
How does it all work?

Most Basic Concepts
Here, in the beginning of my beginning, are the only two “absolutes” existing at the core of PTP. First, a couple of basic, absolute questions, and then their answers:

1.) Why are we here?
The Primary Purpose of Humanity:
Each Human is, first and foremost, an Energy/Information-Processor. All other human purposes and behaviors are variations or bi-products of this single simple act. The Universe consists of only two aspects (Awareness & Energy), and together they serve only one purpose: It is the one and only purpose of AWARENESS to fully experience absolutely every aspect of ENERGY. From this Primary Purpose arises the need for Awareness to create ‘human’ tools/vehicles/bodies with which to ‘process’ this Energy Information.

2.) How does it all work?
The One Primary Rule/Truth in the Human Universe:
AWARENESS DIRECTS ENERGY… All other aspects of humanity are derived from this single simple core truth.

And that is it. All of it. All It Is.

Sorry to disappoint some of you. You were maybe looking for something, say, a little more  complicated?? James Joyce’s “Ulysses” it ain’t!

The rest of this whole PTP project is based on only those two truths.

Keeping it simple………

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